Torchlight II is an action role-playing game developed by Runic Games, released for Microsoft Windows on September 20, 2012. This is a tool that enables various in-game cheats for character stat levels and money.
All of the following values can be changed at run-time
- Edit all character stats
- Edit character level
- Add skillpoints
The tool checks for the torchlight process as soon as the form loads and will quit if the process is not found
This project uses a class named "MemoryAPI" which was developed by someone smarter than me in order to read and write to process memory. Unfortunately I do not know your name and cannot find a link to the code. Credits are reserved for whoever that was.
This project has a reference to the MemorySharp library from the developers at Current code does not use the library however.
All other code is by me. Memory offsets were discovered using CheatEngine.