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tixxit edited this page Nov 3, 2014 · 3 revisions

Getting Started

This tutorial is best if you follow along with me, trying the examples. To get started, clone the tutorial repo, and start up a Scala REPL from SBT.

$ git clone
$ cd framian-tutorial
$ sbt
> console
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
import framian._
import framian.csv.Csv
import framian.tutorial._
import spire.implicits._
import org.joda.time.LocalDate
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_45).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.


Great! We'll just be using the REPL in this tutorial. Aside from brining in some dependencies and some imports, this also adds some utility functions that'll let us fetch company information and share price data from Yahoo! Finance.

Among the imports we see above, there are some obvious ones, like framian.\_ (this a tutorial on Framian, after all), but less obvious is spire.implicits.\_. Spire is a Scala library that provides many useful abstractions for working with numbers (and things that sort of behave like numbers). Framian uses Spire so it can abstract its operations over the actual number type used. This means you choose the number type, whether that is Double, BigDecimal, or perhaps something more exotic like spire.math.Rational or spire.math.Number. The implicits import just brings in the necessary implicit instances required to use Spire's abstractions.

Making our First "Frame"

Framian was made to help us easily work with tabular, heterogeneous data. In Framian, we call one of these heterogeneous tables a frame and it is represented by the Frame. So, we'll start by making some frames.

Frame provides a number of constructors, but we'll start with one that builds a frame from a list of case class instances. So, first, we can model a company as a case class.

scala> case class Company(name: String, exchange: String, ticker: String, currency: String, marketCap: BigDecimal)
defined class Company

This case class includes some basic information we may find useful later, such as the company's reporting currency, their exchange, ticker, and a human readable name. Let's create a few fake companies to populate a frame with.

scala> val Acme = Company("Acme", "NASDAQ", "ACME", "USD", BigDecimal("123.00"))
Acme: Company = Company(Acme,NASDAQ,ACME,USD,123.00)

scala> val BobCo = Company("Bob Company", "NASDAQ", "BOB", "USD", BigDecimal("45.67"))
Acme: Company = Company(Bob Company,NASDAQ,BOB,USD,45.67)

scala> val Cruddy = Company("Cruddy Inc", "XETRA", "CRUD", "EUR", BigDecimal("1.00"))
Cruddy: Company = Company(Cruddy Inc,XETRA,CRUD,EUR,1.00)

And now we create the frame using Frame.fromRows.

scala> Frame.fromRows(Acme, BobCo, Cruddy)
res0: framian.Frame[Int,Int] =
    0           . 1      . 2     . 3   . 4
0 : Acme        | NASDAQ | ACME  | USD | 123.00
1 : Bob Company | NASDAQ | BOB   | USD | 45.67
2 : Cruddy Inc  | XETRA  | CRUD  | EUR | 1.00

Great! The fromRows constructor will work with any simple case class, tuples or Shapeless HLists. These values are transformed into tabular form by creating a row for each value, and a column for each field in the case class or tuple.

You'll notice that along the left side and top of our data frame, we see some numbers that label the rows and columns. These are the Frame's row and column indexes. They define the primary way of selecting and manipulating rows, columns, and groups of rows or columns in a Frame. They also don't have to be Int - the type of our frame isn't just Frame, but Frame[Int, Int]. Those 2 type parameters define the type of our row and column index respectively.

Having our company frame's columns indexed by Ints is silly, when we can give them perfectly good names. A Frame has many ways of changing how we index the columns or rows. For now, let's create a custom index for them by mapping each column index to a String.

scala> res0.mapColKeys {
     |   case 0 => "Name"
     |   case 1 => "Exchange"
     |   case 2 => "Ticker"
     |   case 3 => "Currency"
     |   case 4 => "Market Cap"
     | }
res1: framian.Frame[Int,String] =
    Name        . Exchange . Ticker . Currency . Market Cap
0 : Acme        | NASDAQ   | ACME   | USD      | 123.00
1 : Bob Company | NASDAQ   | BOB    | USD      | 45.67
2 : Cruddy Inc  | XETRA    | CRUD   | EUR      | 1.00

Here we used Frame's mapColKeys method. This keeps the columns in the original order and simply changes the keys value. You'll see our result now has type Frame[Int,String], since our column keys are now strings!

OK, great... so how do we actually use these fancy new column keys to access the data? Let's start by trying to use the ticker symbol as the row keys. Rather then using mapRowKeys like we did above, we'd like to use an approach that uses the ticker symbol that already exists as data in the frame.

In Framian, a Frame doesn't know anything about the type of the data stored in it. Rather, it depends on the user to know these types of details. When we access data in a frame, we must provide a way to extract the data we want as the type we want. We do this by using Cols and Rows.

Almost all methods on Frame that manipulate the data in any meaningful way will have at least one Cols or Rows argument. The choice of Cols or Rows defines the axis we are selecting along. In the case of our ticker symbol, we know that it is in the column "Ticker" and that it is a String. So, let's define a Cols that can extract our tickers.

scala> val ticker = Cols("Ticker").as[String]
ticker: framian.Cols[String,String] = ...

When we construct a Cols instance using Cols("Ticker"), it will extract each ticker symbol as a Rec. A Rec is rarely what we want, so we use the as[A] method to tell the Cols instance to extract the column as a type A.

Using ticker, we can now reindex our rows using the ticker symbol, instead of the row index.

scala> val frame = res1.reindex(ticker)
        Name        . Exchange . Ticker . Currency . Market Cap
ACME  : Acme        | NASDAQ   | ACME   | USD      | 123.00
BOB   : Bob Company | NASDAQ   | BOB    | USD      | 45.67
CRUD  : Cruddy Inc  | XETRA    | CRUD   | EUR      | 1.00

Now we're getting somewhere. We have a frame with basic company information, where each company is indexed by that company's stock ticker and each field is indexed by the field name. Let's see how we can work with some of the data in this frame.

Working With Data in a Frame


We can get a single cell out of the frame by using Frame's apply method. This method requires a type, the row key and the column key, and will return a single cell from the frame. Remember, a frame doesn't know anything about the type of data it contains, so the type parameter must be supplied.

scala> frame[BigDecimal]("ACME", "Market Cap")
res2: framian.Cell[BigDecimal] = Value(123.00)

The first thing we can notice is that we didn't get back a value of type BigDecimal - we got a value of type Cell[BigDecimal]. This is because Framian does not assume your data is dense. A cell in a frame may contain data, but it may also be missing or be invalid. Cell is a data type that has 3 cases (sub-classes):

  • Value(value) - the cell's data exists and is valid,
  • NA - the cell's data is missing or not available, and
  • MM - the cell's data is invalid or not meaningful.

Whenever we extract a value out of a frame we will actually be working with Cells instead. You can think of Cell like Scala's Option, except we have 2 cases of missing/invalid data (NA and NM), instead of just 1 (None).

Aside from getting back a cell, you'll also note that we also requested the value as a BigDecimal. What would happen if we asked for it as something else? Let's try!

scala> frame[Double]("BOB", "Market Cap")
res2: framian.Cell[Double] = Value(45.67)

You'll notice that for Acme, we asked for the cell as type BigDecimal, but for Bob Co, we asked for the market cap as a Double. Both returned a value. In Framian, we support conversions between most common numeric types found in Scala and Spire. Framian attempts to keep numbers abstract, letting the user decide what kind of precision/speed trade-off they want to make, rather than forcing 1 type. Even though we had stored the data as a BigDecimal, when we requested it as a Double Framian performed the conversion for us.

OK, well, what if we ask for a less sensible type?

scala> frame[LocalDate]("CRUD", "Market Cap")
res3: framian.Cell[LocalDate] = NM

We got back an NM, which indicates that the data is invalid or not meaningful. This makes sense, since we can not meaningfully convert a decimal number to a LocalDate (a LocalDate is just a product of year, month and day, like 2014-10-31).


Working with individual values has its uses, but we usually want to work with an entire subset of the frame instead, such as a group of columns or rows. We do this using the same Cols/Rows mechanism described above. Cols (or Rows) describe some selection of columns (or rows), along with a their type. Previously, we had defined ticker as Cols("Ticker").as[String] and used it to reindex the frame by the companies' tickers. Let's define another one to extract the market cap.

scala> val marketCap = Cols("Market Cap").as[BigDecimal]
marketCap: framian.Cols[String,BigDecimal] = ...

We can use marketCap to extract a Series from the frame.

scala> frame.get(marketCap)
res4: framian.Series[String,BigDecimal] = Series(ACME -> Value(123.00), BOB -> Value(45.67), XETRA -> Value(1.00))

Now we have the market caps as a series of numbers, indexed by their tickers. Series are how we work with typed, 1-dimensional. Cells are typed too, but have no axis, so are 0-dimensional (just a value). A Frame is 2-dimensional (has 2 axes), but is untyped. In Scala, we require a type to do pretty much anything useful with a value, so you will find much of your work with frames will require converting subsets of columns and rows to Series first.

Much like Frames, Series also don't assume the data is dense. Series are actually an indexed, list of cells, rather than values. In the case of market cap, the data is dense, so everything is wrapped in Value. If any of the data were missing or invalid, we would see NAs and NMs in the output above.

Before we go further, let's work a slightly more interesting data set than 3 fake companies. The framian-tutorial project includes some nice utility methods that will fetch basic data from Yahoo! Finance for us and stuff 'em into frames. Let's fetch some basic company information about a few car companies.

scala> fetchCompanyInfo("GM", "HMC", "BMW.DE")
res5: framian.Frame[Int,String] =
    Name              . Stock Exchange . Ticker . Currency . Market Cap
0 : General Motors Co | NYSE           | GM     | USD      | 50.097B
1 : Honda Motor Compa | NYSE           | HMC    | USD      | 58.394B
2 : BMW               | XETRA          | BMW.DE | EUR      | 55.959B

This looks very similar to our previous frame... almost like it was planned that way. Well, let's get this reindexed by ticker.

scala> val companies = res5.reindex(ticker)
companies: framian.Frame[String,String] =
         Name              . Stock Exchange . Ticker . Currency . Market Cap
GM     : General Motors Co | NYSE           | GM     | USD      | 50.097B
HMC    : Honda Motor Compa | NYSE           | HMC    | USD      | 58.394B
BMW.DE : BMW               | XETRA          | BMW.DE | EUR      | 55.959B

That's great. We can also fetch their share price data for the last 5 years.

scala> val # = fetchSharePriceData("GM", "HMC", "BMW.DE").reindex(ticker)
#: framian.Frame[String,String] =
         Adj Close . Close . Date       . High  . Low   . Open  . Ticker . Volume
GM     : 31.40     | 31.40 | 2014-10-31 | 31.62 | 30.95 | 31.15 | GM     | 15521200
GM     : 30.78     | 30.78 | 2014-10-30 | 31.03 | 30.45 | 30.57 | GM     | 10073900
GM     : 30.72     | 30.72 | 2014-10-29 | 31.33 | 30.35 | 31.20 | GM     | 11607900
GM     : 31.17     | 31.17 | 2014-10-28 | 31.22 | 30.14 | 30.39 | GM     | 26034400
GM     : 30.08     | 30.08 | 2014-10-27 | 30.49 | 29.82 | 30.15 | GM     | 12772000
GM     : 30.04     | 30.04 | 2014-10-24 | 31.28 | 29.98 | 31.04 | GM     | 30267600
GM     : 30.93     | 30.93 | 2014-10-23 | 31.99 | 30.81 | 31.95 | GM     | 25436900
GM     : 31.31     | 31.31 | 2014-10-22 | 31.51 | 30.57 | 30.61 | GM     | 17817800
GM ...

We also reindexed the frame by the ticker right away.

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