NewsAppSwiftMVVM is an example app exploring RxSwift, MVVM, Swift 2.
NOTE: This is work in progress.
The app uses CocoaPods for handling third-party dependencies. To build the app, simply clone the repository and then run pod install
- 1.2: A lot has been refactored, and a lot of protocols and protocol extensions has been added. Watch app should now work without the phone.
- 1.1: Apple Watch support using watchOS 2.
- 1.0: Initial version. Supports Xcode7.3+ and Swift 2.
- View list of articles
- Pull-to-refresh any list in the app
- Get alerts about network and server errors
- Enjoy custom fonts and colors
- See animated list changes
- Move base URL to Settings for easy customization
- Cancel network requests when the associated view becomes inactive
- Write tests for models
- Write tests for services
- Write tests for viewmodels
- Write tests for viewcontrollers
- Write tests for custom cell
- Write tests for helpers and store
- Write models
- Write view models
- Write tableviewcell
- Write viewcontrollers
- Make backend in Swift and move to this repo.
- RxSwift/RxExample/RxExample/Examples/WikipediaImageSearch at master · ReactiveX/RxSwift original
- mafmoff/RxDriveRSSFeed
- marinbenc/ReactiveWeatherExample: A simple iOS weather app using the MVVM pattern and RxSwift framework.
- PiXeL16/SwiftTMDB: A sample movie app that I build to play with Swift, Alamofire, Moya, RxViewModel, RxSwift, etc
- katleta3000/MVVM_lesson: Project for MVVM webinar Basic
- rickyngk/swift-mvvm: Swift MVVM sample RxSwift