Original Paper
DiffDock GitHub
Obtain LigPlot License
Install Miniconda
Open Conda Terminal
Create folder C:\tmp (Windows) or /tmp (Mac/Linux)
Linux/Mac Users: Runmkdir /tmp
Windows Users: Runmkdir C:\tmp
Download Chimera
Download LigPlot
Open LigPlot (ensure the tmp folder path is set correctly)
Download 2hyy_single.pdb from this reposistory
- Run
git clone https://github.com/tkella47/BioChem_DiffDock.git
to get the pdb and python files you need to download.
[Requires Git]
Is LigPlot not opening?
- You may need to install Java
Warning: Mac Users
There is an x64 Java and ARM64 Java. This relates to the chip on your computer.
If you have an M1 or M2 chip, ARM is for you. Otherwise, download x64 Java.
Don't know how to check? Visit - Mac Users: the installed above may give you OS error code 1. If so, please visit this issue
- For Mac users, See: Protocols_ .pdf
- Navigate to DiffDock HuggingFace Space
- Upload the 2hyy_single.pdb and paste in the ligand SMILES sequence
- Reduce number of samples to 10.
- Download the result.
- The results will be in zipped file. Extract them.
In Chimera(X), open the 2hyy_single.pdb
Then open rank#.sdf
(Sidenote, you can see all the test ligand positions by opening rank#_reversediffusion)
Take a moment to investigate the beauty that is biochemistry
Under File, Click save. Alternatively Ctrl(Windows/Linux)+S or Command(Mac)+S
Make sure that both the sdf model and pdb model are selected.
Give your file a name and save it.
Next download process_ligand_protein.py
Navigate to the same directory as process_ligand_protein.py. Ensure that process_ligand_protein.py and the pdb from the previous step are in the same folder.
Then run
python process_ligand_protein.py PATH_TO_YOUR_SAVE_FILE.pdb
This will save a file diffdocked.pdb
in the same place as the python file.
If the above code does not work, run the code below. Additionally, if you wish to provide a different name or path for your file simply run.
python process_ligand_protein.py PATH_TO_YOUR_SAVE_FILE.pdb --output_path DESIRED_NAME_OR_PATH/diffdocked.pdb
Open the DiffDocked PDB file first
Make sure LigPlot is open
Click File: Open :
Browse : Open diffdocked.pdb
Download 2HYY.pdb
Click File: Open:
Browse : Open 2hyy.pdb
In the bottom right hand corner, you can split the screen to see the difference between the docked ligands