This is a class project for blanked out. It is built using the Flask/SQLAlchmey framework with a MariaDB backend. Currently, the MaraiDB server needs to be run locally and requires some setup on inital use(See Environment Info for details on the environment needed). Once Setup, a user can search through the Lahman Baseball database to find information on players that have played in the major leagues, with data stopping at the 2019 season. Currently, only Batting information is retrieved, so if the player has no batting information they will not be present in this database.
- First, ensure MariaDB 10.6.8 is installed and operational on your local machine
- No previous database setup is required besides initial setup
- No testing on other versions were conducted, but newer version should work, and most versions of modern MariaDB should work
- 2 user profiles will be required from here
- A root user to run all initial scripts
- A limited access web user for interacting with the DB from the web application
- This can be done using the script
- Ensure the proper IP is set for the user that is accessing the database
- This can normally be local host if MariaDB is running on the same machine as the webApp.
- If the webapp is being run on WSL while MariaDB is on native windows, this will require extra configuration steps
- This can be done using the script
- All relevant scripts have been combined into a single file
- Once TODO:
- Whats on homepage
- # information:
- Username:
- Password:
- Username:
- Describe searching functions
- needs to split first/last
- minimum characters for each field
- What happens when a single result is returned
- What happens when multiple results are returned
- How to save a searched player
- NOTE Requires the user to be fully logged in
- Logging out
- Steps for registering
- TODO: Create analysis table
- Main Table creation
- does not includie updating all custom calculations yet
- Park-adjusted runs created
- Calculation is done by pulling info from the Teams Table, BPF
- Create RC table
- Use home field as BPF value for a player
- Adjustment percent = BPF + 100 / 200
- PARC = RC/Adjustment percent
- Calculation is done by pulling info from the Teams Table, BPF
- Park-adjusted runs created per 27 outs
- same calculation as above, just using RC27 instead of RC
- Any other benefical items to add?
- Main Table creation
- TODO: Create a summary table?
- This could be a way to link player full names a little better?
- Or an easier link from someone inserting a name to get to a playerid
- [TK] Summary table seemes not needed. Can use different query and joins to get needed values no problem
- TODO: Create trigger to update tables as needed?
- Triggers not really needed, so can close this out
- TODO: Setup user auth as module for flask env
- User Log in works
- Can register
- does not allow duplicate username or emails
- Passwords stored as hash (no Plain text password storage)
- TODO: ORM for neede info to be dev
- ORM for Analysis created
- ORM for People table for name look ups
- ORM for webusers
- ORM for saved searches
- TODO: Search field for searching by first and last name
- First and last name are currently seperated
- If one result, returns that result directly
- If multiple results, returns the list, and then a drop down for user to select what player they wanted
- TODO: Feature not fully working, errors when submitting selection
- Possible causes:
- hitting submit submits the form with no values
- this hits the check that the search fields have values to avoid returning entire DB when searching
- TODO: Implment this feature fully
- Search now works from both multiple results page and if a single result is found
- Possible causes:
- TODO: Feature not fully working, errors when submitting selection
- TODO: Way to save a users preferences/favorite players
- TODO: Format output of table
- Its formatted as a simple table, not pretty
- Need to see if any other columns need to be added
- Columns currently match the reference image
- TODO: Add TOC here for readme
- TODO: Make sure to update Worklog with each PR or commit
- Format for update should be:
- Date in italics
- Initials of commenter in square brackets
- Bullets with each main change
- Format for update should be:
- TODO: Add link for MariaDB install
- TODO: Add instructions for setting up base DB instance
- TODO: User info setup required as well
- TODO: decomp requirements for assigning tasks
- Tim and Kevin todo
- (complete by 11-5-22)
- TODO: gather reference material and images
- TODO: Mark todo lines with assignee names if possible to avoid double work
- TODO: Work on installation instructions for setting up DB
- Tim to do (no date set)
- TODO: Any dep installs needed to be detailed here
- 10.6.8
- 2019, MySQL
- 3.8.10 (Running on WSL2 - Ubuntu)
- 2.2.2
In the terminal, run the following commands to install dependicies...
bash terminal
sudo apt install python3.8-venv
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install flask==2.2.2
pip install pymysql==1.0.2
pip install python-dotenv==0.21.0
pip install flask-wtf==1.0.1
pip install sqlalchemy==1.4.43
pip install flask-sqlalchemy==3.0.2
pip install flask-session==0.4.0
If running vscode as editor, add the following environment settings...
"python.analysis.extraPaths": [
Database prep required
- All steps can be done from a fresh database install or be used to overwrite a previously modifed table
- Database is created as
once script is completed- The custom script is a combination of
and other customer scripts for creating tables and users for web application MVP
- The custom script is a combination of
- script it located in
- script load time varies, around a minute to clean and then load and create all nessecary tables
Sql command to run script inside MariaDB must be run as root user of DB
source ./sql/scripts/init_webapp_baseball.sql
11-30-22 [TK]
- Found an error when searching for some players
- birth month is NULL for some players
- verified in databse, seeing 281 players with null birth months, some even have null years as well
- Fixed by adding
statments to birthYear/Month/Day update values
UPDATE analysis a SET a.birthYear = (SELECT COALESCE(p.birthYear, 1832) FROM people p WHERE a.playerID = p.playerID); UPDATE analysis a SET a.birthMonth = (SELECT COALESCE(p.birthMonth,1) FROM people p WHERE a.playerID = p.playerID); UPDATE analysis a SET a.birthDay = (SELECT COALESCE(p.birthDay,1) FROM people p WHERE a.playerID = p.playerID);
- Combined Scripts into single
file- Run this once and the DB gets set up for use
- No database users are added with this yet
- no saved searches table is generated yet (feature not available)
- Need to update instruction above for all updates so far
11-29-22 [TK]
- Updated readme
- Added description
- Added TOC
- Marked off closed features
- Fixed multiple search results issue
- now redirects to new page, dedicated to multiple search results
- workaround for multiple form submittals on one page
- allows for clean passing through the session variable
- not finalized (just loops back to main search window for now)
- Finalized search returns
- All final search results now work
- redirects to new page with playerid as part of the URL
- Have not checked safety of user inputting customer playerids causing possible issue
- potential point for sql injection attack needs to be caught
- All results appear to be working correctly
- Last feature missing is saving user search
- This should be doable with a post request from the results page
- Shouldnt change page output, just return the same page
- Should not save the same results multiple times
- Should save with the users logged in id to a table in the database
- needs to be implemented
11-27-22 [TK]
- Updated PA calculation to use proper walks (BB instead of W)
- Added playerName field
- This might be not needed, pending how to store/save names
- Might be best to keep first and last seperate in table or just use first and last searching of People to return a playerid to use in the analysis table
- Completed # form
- Storing of hashed passwords
- webusers table complete as well
- Might need to error check ORM after removing plaintext password field
- Hooked up all pages correctly
- Signin, home, search, register, logout
- All connected, using title bar nav
- CSS still needs work between them all
- Polished DB scripts
- Still need to combine to a single sql script file to load database, and all required tables
- Still need saved searches table completed and a way for users to save
- Generic form template started for this
- Selecting single player from multiple when returned needs to be completed
- Search field will no longer return 500, but not protected against sql injection attacks
- Need to add link to go to aplayers page once created
- Probably a simple redirect, using variable to a playerID
- General cleanup needs to be completed of unused variables, imports, etc
- Added Search drop down when more than one name is returned
11-27-22 [KP]
- Updated calculation for TOB
- Verified correct calculations by row
- Working on results table
11-26-22 [KP]
- Updated SQL statements for RC and PARC27 to account for division of 0 possibilities
- Added python script for querying the analysis table and printing results table
- Currently takes in playerID, will need to adjust for name search
11-26-22 [TK]
- Updated createAnanlysis to fix running errors
- modified to colasce values on insertion instead of having colasce be in every update calculation
- PARC was returning multiple results, added predicates to correct this
- Added RC27 back in at end to try and compare against parc27
- Calculation may be incorrect, but not needed so to investigate later
11-25-22 [KP]
- Added SQL statements for subvariables for calculation
- Updated SQL statements for RC, PARC, PARC27
11-16-22 [TK]
- Tested loading of lahman database file
- Requires modificatiosn to load correctly in maraiDB
- Notes added on what changed to load successfully
- Adding scripts information to run
- Modified analysistable and file
- age is now calculated on each search
- Can probably change to just statically calculate instead of doing the calc on every search, or can just set it to update if the value is null only
- Discovered using WSL, the IP will reset on computer restarting
- Need to follow steps to correct the IP for the connection and then the user that is logging in
- This is manual process and a pain, should work on a way to automate the database user creation or something?
- WSL ip changes/possible static fixes
11-13-22 [TK]
- Setup flaskenv and config and users for laptop dev
- added SavedSearches and WebUsers table creation scripts
- These are just empty skeletons so far
- To be updated when functionality is added to web-side of the house
- added ORM class for both new tables
- Just skeleton classes to start with testing connections as needed
- Started on minor table formatting as well
- Added style head to base.html
- messed with padding and text alignment
- needs more work, but can all be placed there
11-12-22 [TK]
- Got search working finally
- Issue was with running all the venv in WSL2 but MariaDB is run on windows
- Some helpful links if you run into this:
- Find WSL 'localhost' equivelant to put in conn variable
- Enable MariaDB user to have remote access from the seperate 'machine'
- This one requires getting the IP that maria DB reports as attempting to connect when first setting up
- Use the main server running window to get this info
- I also had a lot of success testing with the VScode sql tools and mariaDB extensions
- Some helpful links if you run into this:
- Added note in search.html about variable names
- they must match exact to the ORM, DO NOT TREAT LIKE NORMAL SQL QUERY HERE
- Updated environment variables and made sure it was clear what was needed for the connection issue
- MVP of search page is up and running, need to verify stats are calced correctly and get the corrected/missing stats inserted into the DB
11-11-22 [TK]
- Tried small debugging of connection error but no luck
- Cant connect to the database for some reason
- Verified onnection is running
- Verifed 'web' user is created with 'dbrules' password
- Verifed direct maraiDB client login
- Still same error message:
"Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mnt/c/Users/timkl/Desktop/repos/DB-found-webApp/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymysql/", line 613, in connect sock = socket.create_connection( File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 808, in create_connection raise err File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 796, in create_connection sock.connect(sa) ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused"
- Found reference in flask-sqlalchemy docs to try on next chance
11-10-22 [TK]
- Setting up environment variables and as defaults
- .flaskenv and setup
- SECRETKEY not set as actual key
- User/password to be added to DB for use at this stage:
- Added using users.sql script
- user: web
- pw: dbrules
- SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE on all tables
- Added using users.sql script
- Modified search route to return results from previously build analysis table
- Socket onnection error currently, debug using and .flaskenv setup for web@localhost and dbrules password
11-9-22 [TK]
- Had issue with
flask run
command- error on loading flask_sqlalchemy module
- added pip install command to correct
- working after adding flask-sqlalchemy v3.0.2
- Fixed search route bug
- Typo in search.html
- corrected if formatting in
- Adjusted validation rules in
- Commented out DB connections to continue test runs
- Added wtforms docs link to references
11-8-22 [TK]
- Updated createAnalysisTable script to update some items
- Issue with setting OBP
- Getting "ERROR 1242 (21000): Subquery returns more than 1 row"
- Fixed, needed to account that this table has stints for players
- All other portions of Scripts work
- Still missing PARC and PARC27 updates
11-5-22 [TK]
- Adding base sql file to base folder
- Adding structure for holding all sql scripts/database dumps
- Added check boxes and some more detail in todo section
- Updated worklog instructions
- add 'search' route
- Basic form setup
- Route added, can do post and get methods
- Not confirmed on displaying correctly
- Screen does not refresh when trying to hardcode a results test
- Added script for creating and inserting base values into analysis table
- Verified correct, essentially just copies batting so we cna utilize a single ORM
- May need to create a secondary people table later still to concat the player name
- Or may just update the table creation for this one
- Added ORM for Analysis table
- Added SQLAlchemy
- Updated for db connection setup
- Have not set up and/or tested connection yet
11-3-22 [TK]
- Added reference folder to hold any reference material needed
- included image from
- also included marked up image with first thoughts on page needs
- added todo items to top tracking
- This should be broken out a little bit better?
11-2-22 [TK]
- Set up repo
- began basic instructions
- setup flask mvp
- stopped before working on webforms
- added webforms before final sign off
- based off template in reference tutorial
- Added DB link direct
- next steps
- complete webforms
- work on building orm's
- try simple web app mvp with actual db information