The Elasticsearch Service for Ambari stack custom service. which allows you to install and manage Elasticsearch via Ambari. This service is not supported by Hortonworks.
This service has been tested with the following:
- CentOS 7.x
- Ambari 2.5,2.6
- HDP/HDF 2.x/3.x
- ElasticSearch 6.x
To install this service, you need access to the Ambari Server with sudo permissions.
VERSION=`hdp-select status hadoop-client | sed 's/hadoop-client - \([0-9]\.[0-9]\).*/\1/'`
sudo git clone /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/$VERSION/services/ELASTICSEARCH
If you do not have the ability to use git, you can download the repo archive and extract it to directory shown above.
After you have installed the service, you need to restart the Ambari Server.
sudo service ambari-server restart
Once the Ambari Server has been restarted, you should see Elasticsearch as an available service to install from the Add Service screen.
zen_discovery_ping_unicast_hosts - FQDN of master and data nodes. seperated by comma eg. master.internal,data1.internal,data2.internal
vagrant up
You can access Ambari on http://localhost:8080
User/Pass: admin/admin
If you find any issues please report issue.
This project is based on Elasticsearch Ambari Service of