nmap <silent> <c-s-K> <Esc>: call GetWD<CR>
the nmap for normal mode just press ctrl-shift-k (or ctrl-k)the under cursor word will be translate to chinese
vmap <silent> <c-s-K> <Esc>: call GetVWD<CR>
this keymap for a build-in doc translate you must in visual mode and select the word and press ctrl-shift-k(or ctrl-k) this keymap also for select specific word : ex: endfunction ^ you just want to know what function mean in chinese then you will do this... go to the visual mode and select the word "function" then press ctrl-shift-k(ctrl-k)
how to use:
put this in your vimrc file
nmap <silent> <c-s-K> <Esc>: GetWD<CR>
vmap <silent> <c-s-K> <Esc>: GetVWD<CR>