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How to create your own cryptocurrency for free?

To create cryptocurrency, you will need the following :

  • A computer or even a tablet
  • Basic skills for using the Terminal.
  • Basic knowledge to write json code
  • Internet connection

It has been tested on:

  • Mac os Big Sur
  • Ubuntu 20.14 LTS
  • Google cloud
   │ Only do crypto relaited stuff if it's legal in your country! │
   │              Use this script only at your risk!              │ 
   │             I DO NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY!              │
   │ Note:         This is not a financial advice!                │

How does this work?

We aren't creating a " cryriptocurrency " (what??), but we are creating a Token.

Read more about their differences here

  • Tokens don't have their own blockchain and network, they uses a network of an existing cryptocurrency (in our case, Solana's).

  • Creating a "cryptocurrency" requires a very high level of programming skills and a lot of resources and time.

  • However, creating a token is very easy and can function complitly same as that a cryptocurrency, and tokens can do mutch more!

  • In essence, you will create your own cryptocurrency without your own blockchain.

Token creator - The easy way

With 'solana-token-creator' you can create a crypto within 2 minutes with just 1 command!

The token creator is not compatible with Windows!
But if you are a windows user you can use WSL, Google cloud or a VM to use the script

  1. Download this repo

    git clone
    cd how-to-make-your-own-crypto
  2. Open Terminal then enter the following command:

  3. The program will ask you if you want to install the needed software. You will need to say "y" at the first time (or when you want to update)

    Then close and reopen Terminal (it's necessery to work correctly)

  4. Can you make your crypto within 2 minutes? :)

Command line arguments

command line option details
--advanced gives you some extra options
-r --recipient recipient's wallet
-d --decimals token decimals [1-10]
-e --extensions extensions (separated by commas)
Details- no extension -> n / 0 / noextension
- non transfarable -> nt / 1 / nontransfarable
- confidential transfer -> ct / 2 / confidentialtransfer
- transfer fee -> tf / 3 / transferfee
- transfer hook -> th / 4 / transferhook
- permanent delegate -> pd / 5 / permanentdelegate
- mint close -> mc / 6 / mintclose
- intrest bearing -> ib / 7 / intrestbearing
- default account state -> das / 8 / defaultaccountstate
- freeze -> f / 9 / freeze
- group config -> gc / 10 / groupconfig
- member config -> mc / 11 / memberconfig
-th --transfer-hook transfer hook program id
-tf --transfer-fee transfer fee in percentage
-mf --max-fee max fee in tokens
-ir --intrest-rate intrest rate
-das --default-account-state default account state, initialized(i) or frozen(f)
-gc --group-config group config (address / max amount of tokens that can belong to the newly initialized group)
-mc --member-config member config (address / leave empty to initialize a new)
-na --name token name
-s --symbol token symbol
-ds --description token description
-i --icon-url icon url
-m --offchain-metadata off-chain metadata url
-k --keypair token keypair (location of the keypair file)
-a --amount token amount (in tokens)
-n --network network, mainnet(m) / devnet(d) / not change(n) / custom rpc url

Don't use empty strings in cli arguments, it will brake the script!

On-chain updater mode

With this mode you can update the on-chain metadata, extension settings and the authoritys of your token:

bash --updater-mode

Cheat sheat

Yes, this program has a builtin cheat sheat for the most used solana and spl commands!

bash --cheat

If you have other suggestions what to put in the cheat sheat create an issue with the 'cheat sheat' label, or open a PR.


With this feature you can do unregular solana stuff easyly!

bash --tools

Manual way - Learn things in the harder way

I. Installation of tools

Mac (Terminal), Linux (Terminal), Google Cloud console :

sh -c "$( curl -sSfL"

Then restart Terminal to work everithing fine and enter the following command:


Windows (cmd):

cmd /c "curl --output C:\solana-install-tmp\solana-install-init.exe --create-dirs"

C:\solana-install-tmp\solana-install-init.exe v1.16.9

Then restart cmd to work everithin fine

II. Token creation

  1. Create a new solana wallet

    solana-keygen new

    Warning this will remove your existing wallet!!
    This creates a new Solana key pair that will function as a file system wallet.
    Before generating the key pair, it will ask for a BIP39 Passphrase, which serves as extra protection, but we don't need it .
    Save the public key, we need it later!

  2. Check Solana configuration

    solana config get

    If you do not see in the RPC line, you are not on the developer network, then you have to pay for the creation of the token (+ for the transactions), nothing on the developer network has a real monetary value.

    Solana has 3 main networks:

  3. If you want to create a token for free , you can "enter" the developer network with this command.

    solana config set --url
  4. You have to transfer Solana to your account, with this command you get 4 test SOLs.

    solana airdrop 4

    If you are not on the developer network, you have to transfer some SOL from your own account here.

    Salana is needed because you have to pay for token creation + subsequent transactions
    These 4 SOLs are enough for more than 800000 transfers on the dev network.

  5. Create a token

    spl-token create-token -p TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb --enable-metadata <optional flags>

    When creatin a token you can configure the following things:

    1. --decimals <DECIMALS> Number of base 10 digits to the right of the decimal place [default: 9], minimum is 1 (for fungible tokens)
    2. --mint-authority <ADDRESS> Specify the mint authority address. Default is the client's address.
    3. Token Extensions, see the my Token Extensions guide and the offical docs

    Save the token address, we need it later!

    You can create several different tokens with one wallet. So if you are not satisfied with one token, you have to repeat the process from this step :)

  6. Creating an account for our token

    spl-token create-account -p TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb <token>

    This will not create a new wallet but an account within the wallet for the token
    For all tokens you need an account to store them, and these accounts are inside the wallet.
    There is a fee to create an account (less than 0.00001 SOL)

  7. You can generate a certain amount of token with this command

    spl-token mint <token> <amount>

    Only the mint authority (the wallet that created the token) can mint tokens

  8. Use this command to check how many tokens you have

    spl-token accounts
  9. Use this command to disable the generation of additional tokens

    spl-token authorize -p TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb  <token> mint --disable
    Danger Do not perform this step until you have added metadata to your token!!

IV. Add metadata to the token

Without metadata the token will apear as “Unknown Token”, and it won't have an icon and symbol (eg:BTC).

  1. Chose a name (Example Token), a symbol (ET) and a description (Best token!)

  2. Upload your icon (in png format) to GitHub ar any other site and get it's raw link (ending with .png)

  3. Create a off-chain json metadata file like this:

      "name": "Example Token",
      "symbol": "ET",
      "description": "Best Token :)",
      "image": "",
      "attributes": [],
      "properties": {
        "files": [
            "uri": "",
            "type": "image/png"
  4. Upload the metadata file to or GitHub, and get it's referance link

    IMPORTANT! On don't forget to save! The referance link will be on the bottom of the page!

  5. Add the on-chain metadata

    spl-token initialize-metadata <token> <token name (in quotation marks)> <token symbol (in quotation marks)> <off-chain metadata referance link> -v -p TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb
  6. Check the metadata on Solscan, Solscan for devnet

    Search with the token's address

    Don't worry if you see your token as "Unrecognised Token" just wait 2-4 minutes to let the network process the changes

  7. Your token is DONE :)

V. Use the Token

  1. Create a wallet suitable for storing Solana, for example, in the Phantom app (Android , IOS , Chrome extension).

  2. If you created the token on the developer network, you must switch the network from "Mainnet" to "Devnet" in the wallet app.

    • Phantom : "Settings" => "Developer settings" => turn "Testnet mode" on => select devnet

      After this you should see a yellow stripe at the top of the screen (after restarting)

    • Solflare : Settings => "General" => "Network" => "Devnet"

    • Not All applications are compatible with the developer network!

  3. Send the test SOL retrieved in the "Create Token " section to your new wallet ( you will need it for the transfers 1SOl = >200000 transfers).

    If you are not using the test network, you have to transfer SOL to your new account in another way.

    solana transfer <wallet Solana address> <amount (some must remain to fund the transaction)>

    You can only transfer to SOL with this command .

  4. Send the completed tokens to your wallet and at the same time create an account for the token there (--fund-recipient).

    spl-token transfer <token> <amount> <address of the destination wallet> --fund-recipient

    Don't worry if you see your token as "Unrecognised Token" just wait 2-4 minutes to let the network process the changes

    Don't forget that you will always need SOL for transactions (if you use the test network and run out, complete steps II/4 and V/3)

© Márton Tatár 2024

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