nginx-ip-blocker is the other half of tmthrgd/ip-blocker-agent.
tar -xzvf nginx-1.9.15.tar.gz
cd nginx-1.9.15/
# Here we assume Nginx is to be installed under /opt/nginx/.
./configure --prefix=/opt/nginx \
make -j2
make install
syntax: ip_blocker <name-of-shared-memory> [whitelist code=xxx] | off
default: ip_blocker off
context: http, server, server if, location, location if
Blocks (or whitelists) IP address specified in the named shared memory (see tmthrgd/ip-blocker-agent).
The whitelist flag causes matches to be accepted rather than denied.
The code flag allows the HTTP code returned for a match to be specified.
The directive may be specified multiple times to specify multiple blocklists. The exact behaviour depends on the value of the satisfy directive.
Unless otherwise noted, the nginx-ip-blocker source files are distributed under the Modified BSD License found in the LICENSE file.