An independent project related to the Quality of Life Dashboard.
git clone
cd quality-of-life-embed
git clone data
npm install
npm run datagen
npm run build
npm run start
npm run build
All URL arguments are optional. If no metric is passed, a random metric appears. If no year is passed, the most recent year for the given metric is shown.
Metrics and years are validated. If a bad metric ID is passed, a random metric is selected. If an unavailable year is passed, the most recent year is selected.
- m: metric id (integer), if none passed will select random
- t: title
- s: selected geography (id1, id2, ...)
- y: metric year (integer), if none passed will get most recent year available
- pitch: allow 3d pitching of map (default true)
- smaxzoom: set maximum zoom level when zooming in to selected geography
- tocp: show table of contents positioning arrows (default false)