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Split csv

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Fast and efficient Golang package for splitting large csv files on smaller chunks by size in bytes.


  • Super-fast splitting. Splitting of 700MB+ file takes less than 1 sec!
  • Allocates minimum memory regardless file size.
  • Also accepts io.Reader as input.
  • Supports multiline cells and headers (csv should follow the basic rules
  • Configurable destination folder.
  • Disabling/enabling of copying a header in chunk files.



go get -u


import splitCsv ""


func ExampleSplitCsv() {
	splitter := splitCsv.New()
	splitter.Separator = ";"     // "," is by default
	splitter.FileChunkSize = 100000000 //in bytes (100MB)
	result, _ := splitter.Split("testdata/test.csv", "testdata/")
	// Output: [testdata/test_1.csv testdata/test_2.csv testdata/test_3.csv]

If copying of a header in chunks is not needed then:

func ExampleSplitCsv() {
	splitter := splitCsv.New()
	splitter.Separator = ";"     // "," is by default
	splitter.FileChunkSize = 20000000 //in bytes (20MB)
	s.WithHeader = false //copying of header in chunks is disabled
	result, _ := splitter.Split("testdata/test.csv", "testdata/")
	// Output: [testdata/test_1.csv testdata/test_2.csv testdata/test_3.csv]

Or if you want to pass io.Reader instead of a file path:

// First implement io.Reader interface with an appropriate logic for your use-case
type testReader struct {
	dataCh chan []byte
	buf    []byte
// Read listens to the data channel and populates p accordingly.
// When p is full remaining data goes to the buffer to be used in the next read cycle
func (r *testReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	pLen := len(p)
	i := 0
	for _, char := range r.buf {
		p[i] = char
	r.buf = nil
	for bytes := range r.dataCh {
		for j, char := range bytes {
			p[i] = byte(char)
			if i >= pLen {
				r.buf = bytes[j+1:]

				return pLen, nil

	return i, io.EOF
// In the example data is being sent to the channel which is consumed by the custom reader.
// In such way we can stream data to the splitter.
func ExampleSplitCsv() {
	dataCh := make(chan []byte)
	reader := &testReader{dataCh: dataCh}
	data := []string{
		"Test header 1; Test header 2; Test header 3; Test header 4; Test header 5\n",
		"1; test value 1st; test value 1st; test value 1st; test value 1st\n",
		"2; test value 2nd; test value 2nd; test value 2nd; test value 2nd\n",
		"3; test value 3rd; test value 3rd; test value 3rd; test value 3rd\n",
	go func() {
		defer close(dataCh)
		for _, v := range data {
			dataCh <- []byte(v)
	splitter := splitCsv.New()
	splitter.Separator = ";"     // "," is by default
	splitter.FileChunkSize = 100000000 //in bytes (100MB)
	result, _ := splitter.SplitReader(reader, "output/dir", "output_file_prefix")
	// Output: [output/dir/test_1.csv output/dir/test_2.csv output/dir/test_3.csv]


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