This allows you to publish data from iOSmsg app to ROS.
It is a toolkit for publishing sensor data from iOS into ROS topics. It is set of two apps - iOSmsg and iOSmsg_client (this app).
The iOS app publishes sensor data to RabbitMQ topic in JSON format. Then client app reads them and publishes them directly to ROS topic.
First, you have to install RabbitMQ and other dependencies
sudo apt install rabbitmq-server python-pika
Then install iOSmsg_app
cd <my-catkin-ws>/src
git clone
cd <my-catkin-ws>
and you are done.
rosrun iosmsg_client
You can specify how to connect to RabbitMQ or where to publish data. Get more info by running
rosrun iosmsg_client --help
IMU message doesn't contain both accelerometer and gyroscope measuremets.
As measurements doesn't arrive at the same time from sensor, we publish data separately. It gives you the most accurate data that are available. If you want data to arrive at the same time, you have to implement some kind of interpolation.
I'm using this app to debug my implementation of MSCKF, called Tonav. But there is a lot of other use cases. For example you can use it for
- localization of your robot using your iDevice (iPhone, iPad, ...)
- learn more about RabbitMQ
- computer vision (not implemented yet)
- and many other applications