PushPro is a library for push notifications that can be filtered and paged on the server side. It is based on ASP.NET SignalR self hosting and hub connections. The OData query operators are generated and parsed with the help of ASP.NET WEB API OData.
Push your notifications from the server:
protected override IQbservable<Book> Source
var queryDatabase = this.ApplyQueryOptionsTo(this.BooksManager.All());
var addedEntities = this.EntityChangeNotifier.ChangeNotifications
.Where(c => c.EntityChangeType == EntityChangeType.Added)
.Select(c => c.Entity);
return addedEntities
and observe them on the client side. The filter (Where), skip and top (Take) operators are performed on the server side.
private static IDisposable SubscribeToBooks()
var pushProvider = new SignalRPushProvider<Book>(new Uri(@"http://localhost:49895/api/Books"), "BooksHub");
var pushService = new PushService<Book>(pushProvider);
return pushService
.Where(c => c.Id != 5)
value => Console.WriteLine("Id: " + value.Id + " Book Title: '" + value.Title + "'"),
error => Console.WriteLine("Books error: " + error.Message),
() => Console.WriteLine("Books Completed"));
The book with an Id of 5 and the first pushed book will never be sent to this client and it will receive only the maximum specified number (7) of book notifications.
For more information see Wiki