This app does the following:
- Discovers nearby devices using MultiPeer Connectivity (uses WiFi + Bluetooth, no internet connection needed) and shows their location on a map
- As soon as device's location is known, it advertises the location using Multipeer Connectivity (latitude, longitude, horizontal accuracy)
- Connects to a nearby device (by selecting the particular device on the map)
- After a MPC connection is established, a message is sent to the connected device to turn on its iBeacon advertisement
- The connected device replies with a message indicating that the iBeacon advertisement was turned on and specifies the iBeacon region it uses
- The app starts iBeacon ranging for the iBeacon region received in the previous step
- Distance from the ranged iBeacon is displayed in a annotation view
- By tapping the star, the app will monitor the particular device and display a local notification if spotted nearby
NOTES: all key-value pairs advertised by MPC should not be larger than 400 bytes to fit into a single bluetooth packet.
The app requires iOS SDK 7.0+
Tom Kraina,