AutoMart is an online marketplace for automobiles of diverse makes, model or body type where users can sell their cars or buy from trusted dealerships or private sellers.
- User can #.
- User can #.
- User (seller) can post a car sale advertisement.
- User (buyer) can make a purchase order.
- User (buyer) can update the price of his/her purchase order.
- User (seller) can mark his/her posted AD as sold.
- User (seller) can update the price of his/her posted AD.
- User can view a specific car.
- User can view all unsold cars.
- User can view all unsold cars within a price range.
- Admin can delete a posted AD record.
- Admin can view all posted ads whether sold or unsold.
- User can flag/report a posted AD as fraudulent.
Below are instructions to kick start AutoMart in your local server.
First off, you must have node/npm installed. Install the latest node version here Not to worry, the npm package comes along with the node package
- Clone this repository by running this on your terminal:
git clone
- Navigate to the project's directory with:
cd Auto-MArt
- Run
npm install
to install dependencies - Run
npm run start:dev
to start the server on a local host - Test the routes with Postman
This project uses Mocha for testing. To test, run npm test
or npm t
Name | Version |
bcrypt | 3.x |
body-parser | 1.x |
cloudinary | 1.x |
cors | 2.x |
datauri | 2.x |
debug | 4.x |
dotenv | 8.x |
express | 4.x |
jsonwebtoken | 8.x |
morgan | 1.x |
multer | 1.x |
multer-storage-cloudinary | 2.x |
Name | Version |
@babel/cli | 7.x |
@babel/core | 7.x |
@babel/node | 7.x |
@babel/polyfill | 7.x |
@babel/preset-env | 7.x |
@babel/register | 7.x |
babel-plugin-istanbul | 5.x |
chai | 4.x |
chai-http | 4.x |
coveralls | 3.x |
cross-env | 5.x |
eslint | 5.x |
eslint-config-airbnb-base | 13.x |
eslint-plugin-import | 2.x |
eslint-plugin-mocha | 5.x |
mocha | 6.x |
mocha-lcov-reporter | 1.x |
nodemon | 1.x |
nyc | 14.x |
Endpoint | Description | HTTP method |
/api/v1/user/auth/# | Create a user account | POST |
/api/v1/user/auth/signin | Login a user | POST |
/api/v1/car/ | Create a car ad | POST |
/api/v1/car/ | View all cars | GET |
/api/v1/car/?status=available&minValue=500000&maxValue=100000000 | View unsold cars within price range | GET |
/api/v1/car/?status=available | View all unsold cars | GET |
/api/v1/car/:id | View specific car ad | GET |
/api/v1/car/:id/price | Update price of car | PATCH |
/api/v1/car/:id/status | Mark a car as sold | PATCH |
/api/v1/car/:id | Delete a car record | DELETE |
/api/v1/flag/ | Flag a car ad as fraudulent | POST |
/api/v1/order | Create a purchase order | POST |
/api/v1/order/:id/price | Update the price of a purchase order | PATCH |
The User Interface for this project was built with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Google Fonts provided the clean and amazing fonts.
The API consumption was built with node.js, express and JWT (JSON web token for Authentication)
Tests are written with Mocha, Chai and Chai-Http
JavaScript best coding practices are ensured with ESLint and Airbnb styling
MIT License