This project started out of the idea to make a TOML parser speak JSON. Turns out this kind of works good enough.
Jonquil takes the TOML Fortran API and implements a JSON lexer as well as a JSON serializer, for consistency it applies some renaming on top and here we are with yet another JSON library. The resulting JSON parser reaches a similar performance as the established JSON Fortran.
The goal of Jonquil is not to provide the most conforming JSON library, but to provide a compatibility layer to enable TOML Fortran using libraries to consume JSON as well as allow JSON consuming libraries to try out TOML.
Since Jonquil is just another bloom of TOML Fortran, you can simply follow its installation guide. You can also find these instructions in the user documentation at Installing TOML Fortran and apply the flavor provided by Jonquil on top.
To build this project from the source code in this repository you need to have
a Fortran compiler supporting Fortran 2008
- GFortran 5 or newer
- Intel Fortran 18 or newer
- NAG 7 or newer
One of the supported build systems
- meson version 0.55 or newer
- CMake version 3.9 or newer
- Fortran package manager (fpm) version 0.2.0 or newer
Get the source by cloning the repository
git clone
cd jonquil
To integrate Jonquil in your meson project checkout the Integrate with meson recipe and apply the same steps as for TOML Fortran.
To build this project with meson a build-system backend is required, i.e. ninja version 1.7 or newer. Setup a build with
meson setup _build --prefix=/path/to/install
You can select the Fortran compiler by the FC
environment variable.
To compile the project run
meson compile -C _build
Finally, you can install Jonquil using
meson install -C _build
To integrate Jonquil in your CMake project checkout the Integrate with CMake recipe and apply the same steps for Jonquil as well.
While meson is the preferred way to build this project it also offers CMake support. Configure the CMake build with
cmake -B _build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install
Similar to meson the compiler can be selected with the FC
environment variable.
You can build the project using
cmake --build _build
Finally, you can install Jonquil using
cmake --install _build
To integrate Jonquil in your fpm project checkout the Using the Fortran package manager recipe, just replace toml-f with jonquil and you are good to go.
The Fortran package manager (fpm) supports the addition of Jonquil as a dependency.
In the package manifest, fpm.toml
, you can add TOML Fortran dependency via:
jonquil.git = ""
Then build and test normally.
fpm build
fpm test
You can follow all recipes and tutorials in the TOML Fortran documentation using Jonquil by just replacing the tomlf module with the jonquil module. All derived types, procedure names and interfaces use the json_ prefix instead of toml_, with the exception of the toml_table type which becomes a json_object.
The following example program shows how to load JSON data from a string and access the value using the build interface as well as the compatibility of with TOML Fortran.
program demo
use jonquil, only : json_loads, json_value, json_object, json_error, &
& cast_to_object, get_value
implicit none
class(json_value), allocatable :: val
type(json_object), pointer :: object
type(json_error), allocatable :: error
integer :: ival
call json_loads(val, '{"a":1,"b":2}', error=error)
if (allocated(error)) then
print '(a)', error%message
end if
object => cast_to_object(val)
if (associated(object)) then
call get_value(object, "a", ival)
print '(a,1x,i0)', "a is", ival
call get_value(object, "b", ival)
print '(a,1x,i0)', "b is", ival
end if
use tomlf, only : toml_table, toml_array, add_array, set_value, toml_serialize
type(toml_table), pointer :: table
type(toml_array), pointer :: array
! Add an array to the object
call add_array(object, "c", array)
call set_value(array, [-1, 0, 1])
! Create a new subobject / subtable
call get_value(object, "d", table, requested=.true.)
call set_value(table, "sub", "table")
print '(a)', "# representation in TOML land"
print '(a)', toml_serialize(object)
end block
end program demo
Jonquil promises seamless compatibility with TOML Fortran, the data structure we just loaded can be manipulated with any procedure from the tomlf module and vice versa.
This is a volunteer open source projects and contributions are always welcome. Please, take a moment to read the contributing guidelines on how to get involved with TOML Fortran and Jonquil.
Jonquil is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your opinion.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an as is basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Jonquil by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.