Provides easy access to Parse
from Sails.js & Waterline.
This module is a Waterline/Sails adapter, an early implementation of a rapidly-developing, tool-agnostic data standard. Its goal is to provide a set of declarative interfaces, conventions, and best-practices for integrating with all sorts of data sources. Not just databases-- external APIs, proprietary web services, or even hardware.
Strict adherence to an adapter specification enables the (re)use of built-in generic test suites, standardized documentation, reasonable expectations around the API for your users, and overall, a more pleasant development experience for everyone.
- This adapter is not yet on npm. To install, put the following codes in your package.json:
"dependencies": {
"sails-parse-adapter": "tommy60703/sails-parse.git",
Then run npm install
- Or you can just download the files and put it in your project.
Set up your Parse configuration at config/connections.js as following:
parse: {
adapter: 'sails-parse-adapter',
appId: 'your-app-id',
restKey: 'your-rest-key'
This adapter exposes the following methods:
- Make it more stable
- test!
- Documentation
- This adapter is still in early development. You are welcome to report bugs or make pull request.
- Stackoverflow
- #sailsjs on Freenode (IRC channel)
- Professional/enterprise
- Tutorials