The main goal of this project is to add features to in browser terminals to leverage power of browser for running commands on remote host along with various other additions
1)Parsing of data recieved from commands like 'docker ps' from terminal in form of tables to allow better visualization and control over data
2)Allow user to launch browser based dashboards like portainer,openstack,phpmyadmin,apache/nginx by launching appropraite commands
3)Allow better implementation of top command using realtime dashboards for monitoring system and resource usage
4)Creating nodejs and other command line debuggers for error/syntax highlighting along with smarter json parsing within browser similar to react dev tools.
5)Create simple api testing tool to supplement curl requests for tesing POST/GET requests along with load testing using apache benchmarking tool,saving headers/apis as sharable objects for better team collaboration within browser itself.
6)Extending ls command for showing files as interactive file trees and allow file manipulation within browser itself.