This project provides the abilty to establish MQTT connections and to perform MQTT communication using Qt. This library consists of two parts:
- Qt/C++ Library
- QML Plugin
For the most part it's a "merge" of the work of the people mentioned below, marely refactored for the sake of readability and to fit particular needs.
Special thanks to the owners of the used repositories and contributors:
There are much more contributors which aren't less important! Please refer to the licence headers in each file and the repositories below for detailed information about authors.
Sourcecode taken from:
- [qmqtt] (
- [qml-qmqtt] (
- [qtModeratorDemo] (
This library has been compiled and tested on:
- Fedora 22 x64 - Qt 5.5.1
- Android NDK r10e-rc4 (64-bit) - Qt 5.5.1
- Windows 7 x64 - Qt 5.5.1
git clone && cd QtMqtt
mkdir build && cd build
qmake ..
make install
Caution: The installation with 'make install' is not fully tested but should work!
Tested make install on Mac library installed in /usr/local/lib and header files in /usr/local/include/qmqtt
#include "qmqtt.h"
QMQTT::Client client("localhost", 1883);
QObject::connect(client, &QMQTT::Client::received, this, &messageReceived);
void QmlQmqtt::messageReceived(const QMQTT::Message &message)
qDebug() << "Topic: " << arg.topic();
qDebug() << "Payload: " << arg.payload();
- connected()
- error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)
- connacked(quint8 ack)
- published(QMQTT::Message &message)
- pubacked(quint8 type, quint16 msgid)
- received(const QMQTT::Message &message)
- subscribed(const QString &topic)
- subacked(quint16 mid, quint8 qos)
- unsubscribed(const QString &topic)
- unsubacked(quint16 mid)
- pong()
- disconnected()
- void onConnected()
- void onDisconnected()
- void onReceived(Frame & frame)
- void handlePublish(Message &message)
- void handleConnack(quint8 ack)
- void handlePuback(quint8 type, quint16 msgid)
import QmlQmqtt 1.0
id: qmlqmqtt
host: "localhost"
port: 1883
onConnected: qmlqmqtt.subscribe("#")
onMessageReceived: {
Component.onCompleted: qmlqmqtt.connect()
- bool autoReconnect
- bool cleanSession
- int keepalive
- int port
- QString clientId
- QString host
- QString password
- QString username
- autoReconnectChanged(bool cleanSession)
- cleanSessionChanged(bool cleanSession)
- clientIdChanged(QString clientId)
- connacked(quint8 ack)
- connected()
- disconnected()
- error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error)
- hostChanged(QString host)
- keepaliveChanged(int keepalive)
- messageReceived(QString topic, QString payload)
- passwordChanged(QString password)
- pong()
- portChanged(int port)
- pubacked(quint8 type, quint16 msgid)
- published(QMQTT::Message &message)
- received(const QMQTT::Message &message)
- subacked(quint16 mid, quint8 qos)
- subscribed(const QString &topic)
- unsubacked(quint16 mid)
- unsubscribed(const QString &topic)
- usernameChanged(QString username)
- bool isConnected()
- quint16 publish(const QString& topic, const QString& payload, quint8 qos = 0)
- quint16 publishMessageObject(QMQTT::Message &message)
- quint16 subscribe(const QString& topic, quint8 qos = 0)
- void connect()
- void disconnect()
- void ping()
- void puback(quint8 type, quint16 msgid)
- void unsubscribe(const QString& topic)