This is a simple docker env to start a new symfony application dev.
- Php 8
- Symfony CLI
- Mysql / Postgres
- Make to help you
Requires docker & docker compose You need first to edit .docker/.env file to name your project, and choose version of php to use.
# .docker/.env default values
XDEBUG_CONFIG="client_host=host.docker.internal client_port=9000 idekey=PHPSTORM log_level=0"
Then copy/past the desired symfony skeleton composer.json from at root of the project You will have the following tree-structure
├── composer.json
├── .docker
│ ├── docker-compose.override.yml.dist
│ ├── docker-compose.yml
│ ├── .env
│ ├── .gitignore
│ └── php
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├──
│ └── ini
│ └── symfony.ini
└── Makefile
Then you can run
make up
Your symfony project will be automatically served by symfony-cli and listening your DOCKER_HTTP_PORT defined into .docker/.env You can open on your favorite browser https://localhost:${DOCKER_HTTP_PORT}
You can connect to php container by using
make bash
src/vendor: #[Composer] install dependencies
upd: #[Docker] Start containers detached
up: #[Docker] Start containers
stop: #[Docker] Down containers
down: #[Docker] Down containers
build: #[Docker] Build containers
ps: # [Docker] Show running containers
bash: #[Docker] Connect to php container
logs: #[Docker] Show logs
doctrine/migrations: #[Symfony] Run database migration
cache/clean: #[Symfony] Clean cache
xdebug/on: #[Docker] Enable xdebug
xdebug/off: #[Docker] Disable xdebug