Collection of functions and aliases for ROS2 development
fzf For Ubuntu simply:
sudo apt install fzf
. For more install options refer to the documentation -
Bash or Zsh
- Clone the repo:
git clone ~/ros2-aliases
- Add ros2_utils.bash to your bashrc:
echo 'source ~/ros2-aliases/ros2_utils.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
- Add ros2_utils.zsh to your zshrc:
echo 'source ~/ros2-aliases/ros2_utils.zsh' >> ~/.zshrc
Command | Alias |
ros2 run |
rrun |
Command | Alias |
ros2 topic list |
rtlist |
ros2 topic echo |
rtecho |
ros2 topic hz |
rthz |
ros2 topic info |
rtinfo |
ros2 topic bw |
rtbw |
Command | Alias |
ros2 node list |
rnlist |
ros2 node info |
rninfo |
Killing a node | rnkill |
is a prototype and might not work as intended. It is an attempt to emulate ROS1's rosnode kill
Command | Alias |
ros2 service list |
rslist |
Command | Alias |
ros2 param list |
rplist |
ros2 param get |
rpget |
ros2 param set |
rpset |
Command | Alias |
ros2 interface show |
rishow |
Command | Alias | Arguments |
ros2 run tf2_tools view_frames |
view_frames |
namespace of TF topic [Optional] |
ros2 run tf2_ros tf2_echo |
tf_echo |
frame 1 [Required], frame 2 [Required], namespace of TF topic [Optional] |
Command | Alias | Arguments |
colcon build --symlink-install |
cb |
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select |
cbp |
package 1 [Optional] ... package n [Optional] |
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-skip |
cbs |
package 1 [Optional] ... package n [Optional] |
colcon list |
cl |
Command | Alias |
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y |
rosdep_install |