little library for awesome with the attempt to be useful
graphs for cpu and network usage for wibox with detailed info boxes.
returns a layout for an infobox to show detailed information about cpu usage.
returns a layout for an infobox to show detailed information about network usage (all interfaces).
Collection of other useful widgets, extensions and functions.
cleaner awesome/rc.lua
- awesome >= 4.0
- vicious
- obvious (optional) needed for uzful.util.volume
- lua-dbus (optional) needed for uzful.widget.wicd or
- lua-mpris (optional) needed for uzful.widget.mpris
After require("beautiful")
and require("vicious")
uzful.util.patch.vicious() -- enable auto caching
use netgraphs for instance:
mynetgraphs = uzful.widget.netgraphs({
label_height = 13, default = "wlan0",
up_fgcolor = "#D00003", up_bgcolor = "#200000",
down_fgcolor = "#95D043", down_bgcolor = "#002000",
highlight = ' <span size="x-small"><b>$1</b></span>',
normal = ' <span color="#666666" size="x-small">$1</span>',
big = { width = 161, height = 42 },
small = { width = 23, height = theme.menu_height } })
mynetgraphs.small.layout:connect_signal("button::release", mynetgraphs.switch)
for _, widget in ipairs(mynetgraphs.big.widgets) do
table.insert(detailed_graphs.widgets, widgets)
as infobox you can use somthing like this:[s] = uzful.widget.wibox({ screen = s, type = "notification",
widget = mynetgraphs.big.layout,
y = theme.menu_height,
height = mynetgraphs.big.height,
width = mynetgraphs.big.width,
x = screen[s].geometry.width - mynetgraphs.big.width,
ontop = true, visible = false })
or maybe a battery progressbar in an image:
mybat = uzful.widget.progressimage(
{ x = 3, y = 4, width = 3, height = 7, image = theme.battery })
uzful.widget.set_properties(mybat.progress, {
ticks = true, ticks_gap = 1, ticks_size = 1,
vertical = true, background_color = theme.bg_normal,
border_color = nil, color = "#FFFFFF" })
vicious.register(mybat.progress, vicious.widgets.bat, "$2", 45, "BAT0")
-- notifications
mycritbat = uzful.util.threshold(0.2,
function ()
function ()
preset = naughty.config.presets.critical,
title = "Critical Battery Charge",
text = "only " .. (val*100) .. "% remaining." })
vicious.register(mycritbat, vicious.widgets.bat, "$2", 60, "BAT0")
for more examples look at my awesomerc.
cd $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/awesome/
git clone git://
luadoc -d doc/ *.lua
for more detailed infos look into the uzful wiki.
if you have some nice feature in rc or in mind, let me know about it.