Starting an application is easy:
$ ./apm bin app-name --source=""
This will basically compile your project source code and start it as a
daemon in the background. The application will have already be
downloaded into GOPATH
issuing something like
go get
You will probably be able to run anything in any directory, as long as
it is under GOPATH
$ go get
In order to properly use APM, you always need to start a server. This will be changed in the next version, but in the meantime you need to run the command bellow to start using APM.
$ apm serve
If no config file is provided, it will default to a folder '.apmenv' where apm
is first started.
$ apm serve-stop
If it's the first time you are starting a new golang application, you need to tell APM to first build its binary. Then you need to first run:
$ apm bin app-name --source=""
This will automatically compile, start and daemonize your application. If you need to later on, stop, restart or delete your app from APM, you can just run normal commands using the app-name you specified. Example:
$ apm stop app-name
$ apm restart app-name
$ apm delete app-name
$ apm serve --config-file="config/file/path.toml"
$ apm serve-stop --config-file="config/file/path.toml"
$ apm bin app-name --source="" # Compile, start, daemonize and auto restart application.
$ apm start app-name # Start, daemonize and auto restart application.
$ apm restart app-name # Restart a previously saved process
$ apm stop app-name # Stop application.
$ apm delete app-name # Delete application forever.
$ apm save # Save current process list
$ apm resurrect # Restore previously saved processes
$ apm status # Display status for each app.
You can also use all of the above commands via HTTP requests. Just set the flag --dns
together with ./apm serve
and then you can use a remote client to start, stop, delete and query status for each app.