Forpy - use Python from Fortran
Jul 4, 2020 - Fortran
Fortran is a statically typed compiled programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation, and scientific computing.
While Fortran has been in use since its inception by John Backus at IBM in 1957, it still remains popular today, especially for computationally intensive
applications including numerical weather prediction, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, computational physics, crystallography, and
computational chemistry. Despite its age, new language revisions include syntax and semantics for modern language ideas including pointers, recursion,
object orientated programming features, and parallel programming using Coarray Fortran.
Forpy - use Python from Fortran
ogpf is Object based interface to GnuPlot from Fortran 2003, 2008 and later
A collection of Fortran interfaces to the most common Open Source GIS libraries.
Fortran (progress) B(e)ar envinronment
A modern Fortran abstraction layer for OpenCL
Petaca: A collection of foundational Fortran modules
Quadtree Adaptive Mesh Refinement
2D solver for Euler equations in quadrilateral grid, using kinetic flux vector splitting scheme, written in OOP F2003
2D Cartesian Quadtree Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) for multiphase Five Equations Model
Code Blocks color theme for Fortran language
ZOO, Zaghi fOrtran cOllection, where my wild Fortran pets will survive
getopt functionality (C-like command-line argument parsing) for Fortran 2003
👨💻Zaak's 🧩(missing) 🏛Standard 🔬Fortran 📚Library 🚧(WIP)
Interpolation via a Sparse Subset of the Delaunay Triangulation
Semi-Lagrangian Library
Small personal fortran wiki
Modern Fortran syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3/4
Euler equations unstructured solver using kinetic flux vector splitting (KFVS) scheme
Fortran library to compute positions of celestial bodies
Created by John W. Backus
Released April 1957