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Julia Sets are mathematical objects relating to the field of complex dynamics. In general, Julia sets are studied in parallel to Fatou sets, as they are complementary sets defined from a complex function.

To be specific, in a metric space ( X , d ) , a Fatou set of a map f : X X is the maximal open subset of X on which the family of iterates { f n } is equicontinuous, and the Julia set is its complement in X .

To approximate images of these sets, a common approach is to iterate the function of interest over some subset of the complex plane, which often yield beautiful fractals.

Here are 18 public repositories matching this topic...

Interactive 3D visualization tool for exploring the mesmerizing world of Mandelbrot and Julia fractals. Built with Python, OpenGL and PyQt5, offering real-time animation and intuitive controls.

  • Updated Jan 4, 2025
  • Python

This project is a software tool designed to create and display fractals generated by applying Newton's Method to cubic polynomials in the complex plane.

  • Updated May 29, 2024
  • Python

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