Weather API application to get information of the weather of different cities
Aug 11, 2021 - Handlebars
MERN is a source-available JavaScript solution stack/software bundle, consisting of the following components:
Weather API application to get information of the weather of different cities
SIH - Smart Indian Hackathon 🚀: Join the innovation marathon fostering solutions to India's challenges. Collaborate, ideate, and create for a smarter future
E-learn Demo Online Teaching Platform
Global Digital Coin Trade & Exchange
This group project was created to build our first full-stack app. This web-app is for users who want to create a walking challenge for themselves and keep track of the progress. Deployed Heroku can be found at
Vulnerable Web Application (yt:
Weathering With You -- MERN Full Stack Web App
A full-stack blogging web application made with node and express js and backend with MongoDB with all the CRUD operations. Users can register themselves and write their own blog from their dashboard and the admin will be able to feature that blog on the running website.