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Site reliability engineering (SRE) is a set of principles and practices that incorporates aspects of software engineering and applies them to infrastructure and operations problems. The main goals are to create scalable and highly reliable software systems. Site reliability engineering is closely related to DevOps, a set of practices that combine software development and IT operations, and SRE has also been described as a specific implementation of DevOps.

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This Software Reliability Model (SRM) provides a flexible and explainable model of software reliability in terms of technical foundations, socio-technical constraints, and human factors. It is designed to help explore and explain software reliability to people of various roles who are involved in building and running software systems (especially…

  • Updated Jun 21, 2021
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Explores the vast options of trend tools in the DevOps world to securely build, deploy and monitor a Golanb web app in Kubernetes Clusters with high availability, scalability and reliability following GitOpsS, DevSecOps and SRE best practices.

  • Updated Nov 18, 2023
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