This is the official homepage for the TouIST project. To edit the homepage, feel free to go to and submit a pull-request.
The URL is a mirror and should not be used for official links to the TouIST project. Instead, use
Just clic here to edit the website!! Note that it may be slow on the first loading. Images, syntax coloring of TouIST code and LaTeX formulas may not display correctly. To have a proper Madoko editor, read the following section.
npm install -g madoko madoko-local
clone this project, for example
git clone
launch the madoko local server; it is going to open the web editor. Make sure you launch it from inside the cloned directory.
madoko-local --port 8080 --run -l .
in the web editor, Open -> Local Disk -> open the file
If you don't have texlive-2017 (or above), uncomment 'Math Mode: mathjax'
in index.mdk
Math Mode: mathjax
You can eventually commit, fork and open a pull request.