An easy way to send notifications when an object is created (ex. "DING! New User!" emails)
- Add django_ding to your PYTHONPATH
- Add ding to the INSTALLED_APPS list in
INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', ... 'ding', )
- Populate DING dict in with the models to notify:
DING = { 'auth.User': { # path to template for new object email subject 'NEW_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE': 'ding/new_object_subject.txt', # path to template for new object email body 'NEW_BODY_TEMPLATE': 'ding/new_object_body.html', # list of recipients (NOTE: must be a list, even if just one email address!) 'RECIPIENTS': [''], # email address to send from 'FROM': '' } }
If you don't want to send out an email for every new object, you can instead send out a peroidic summary email. Make sure you have these settings in your DING dict:
DING = { 'auth.User': { # lambda that returns a queryset of objects to summarize 'QUERYSET': lambda Model, time: Model.objects.filter(date_joined__gte=time), # path to template for summary email subject 'SUMMARY_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE': 'ding/summary_subject.txt', # path to template for summary email body 'SUMMARY_BODY_TEMPLATE': 'ding/summary_body.html', # list of recipients (NOTE: must be a list, even if just one email address!) 'RECIPIENTS': [''], # email address to send from 'FROM': '' } }
You can trigger the email by running ./ send_ding_summary.