Notice: this project was unecessarily complicated and has been replaced by this repo here.
This is a variant of Varying Vagrant Vagrants with a couple of customizations specifically for a local development environment. TVV is installed in the same way you would install VVV and this setup assumes you are using the VVV Site Wizard to create additional Wordpress installations.
Install Virtualbox
Install Vagrant
Install vagrant-hostsupdater and vagrant-triggers
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater && vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers
Clone TVV into your home folder:
cd ~ && git clone tvagrant
Navigate to cloned directory:
cd ~/tvagrant
Start vagrant:
vagrant up
That's it!
So how is TVV different from VVV and why is better suited for local development? TVV is a fork of VVV and will still have access to future VVV releases. The main difference between TVV and VVV is the addition of a custom skin for the VVV Dashboard. While the dark theme for the dashboard is aesthetically pleasing, it also includes a link to phpMyAdmin and a Search and Replace plugin that's already configured to work with VVV's MySQL database. Awesome!
The VVV Dashboard is already installed in TVV and after your first "vagrant up", you can view it at The dashboard is currently being included within this repo as a git-subrepo so that I can make changes to the dashboard and still pull updates from the remote repository. The beauty of using git-subrepo is that I can include repositories inside this repo and the user will only need to clone TVV once to get everything. Installation of git-subrepo is not necessary and is only needed if you need to pull updates from the VVV Dashboard repo.
The first change made to the VVV Dashboard was giving it a dark theme so it looks better on a computer running primarily dark-themed applications. The colors were chosen to be easy on the eyes and to match most IDE's dark material themes. I removed a lot of unecessary borders and tables so the information is easier to digest.
Besides changing the style, I added a link in the top menu of the dashboard to the Database Search and Replace Script. This script is configured to work with any database that was created using the VVV Site Wizard (i.e. username: 'root', password: 'root' ). All you need to do to use it is specify which database you would like to run the script on.
Although this Search and Replace plugin is top notch, it's important to note that it should only be used in development environments. TVV should never be used in a production environment because this plugin gives anyone with access to your network the ability to alter the databases for all your sites running through TVV. This tool is specifically for developers working in a local environment.
Because TVV is a fork of VVV containing a git-subrepo of the VVV Dashboard, you can use TVV as a replacement for VVV while still receiving updates for both repositories. Pulling upstream updates from VVV into TVV is very simple. First you'll need to add the original VVV repository as an upstream source. You'll only need to do step one and two the first time.
Navigate to the TVV directory you previously cloned.
cd ~/tvagrant
Add the original VVV repo as an upstream source.
git remote add upstream
Pull updates from remote repo (in this case, the master branch)
git pull upstream master
In order to pull upstream updates from the VVV Dashboard, you will need to install git-subrepo. Although the git-subrepo project is quite new and not widely used, I highly recommend it as an alternative to git submodules and subtrees.
After installing git-subrepo, you can update the VVV Dashboard whenever commits are made to the remote repo:
Navigate to the base TVV directory
cd ~/tvagrant
Pull changes from remote subrepo
git subrepo pull www/default/dashboard