Flutter Paas Dashboard
- We don’t want JRE, JDK package is too large
- We can’t use c sharp because having people develop use mac.
- We are not good at frontend. Electron is not friendly to us.
- Golang isn't proper for GUI
flutter config --enable-macos-desktop
flutter config --enable-windows-desktop
- macos ~/Library/Containers/com.github.shoothzj.paasDashboardFlutter/Data
if you need to run on web mode, need to turn off the chrome
security switch, refer to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65630743/how-to-solve-flutter-web-api-cors-error-only-with-dart-code
# jump to flutter install location
rm -rf bin/cache/flutter_tools.stamp
edit packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/web/chrome.dart
add '--disable-web-security',
behind '--disable-extensions',
the web mode can only use a part of features