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A software-install shell script for Ubuntu that is:
Easy to use.
Make sure your ubuntu connect to the internet then run:
./oh-my-ubuntu.sh -f ./config/ubuntu_16.04.ini
It will ask you whether prompt or not, if you choose y
, then all the software will install automatically.
If you choose n
, then you can confirm every item before it start install.
It will install all my favorite softwares specified by .config/ubuntu_16.04.ini
You can modify ./config/ubuntu_16.04.ini
according to your actual environment. see INI file format.
You can install software by apt, download deb packags from internet and build from source.oh-my-ubuntu will deal with every error situation property(ie. dependent packags error)
You can maintain source code easliy through oh-my-ubuntu,before install software from source code,oh-my-ubuntu will detect whether the directory of specified source is exist in
,if yes,oh-my-ubuntu will try to update it then install. -
You only need to input passwd one time and it will never invaild until the end of oh-my-ubuntu process.
./oh-my-ubuntu.sh [-f <path of ini file>] [-a all|ppa|apt|download|build] [-h]"
: specified the path of ini file
: Show the usage of oh-my-ubuntu
: You can execute one of following function alone.
- ppa: add ppa then update apt source
- apt: Install packags through
apt-ght install
- download: Download deb file from internet then install.
- build: build and install software from source code (Currently only support get source code from git server like github or gitlab)
You can call ./oh-my-ubuntu.sh
without any argument:
Default argument of -f
option is config/ubuntu_16.04.ini
Default argument of -a
option is all
All the source code will install to the path specified by variable SRC_DIR
(Default is ${HOME}/Work/Source
If the source code is aleady exist, then oh-my-ubuntu will try to update it then install.
I use git to read or write standard ini file.
For example
- read :git config section.key
- write :git config section.key value
In section repo
,add your favorite ppa:
ppa = ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable
In section apt
,add your favorite packags separated by space
packages = virtualbox virtualbox-guest-additions-iso vde2
In section download
,add the deb file download url:
url = http://download.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_i386.deb
In section build
,There are three string separated by comma that assigned to key gitsrc
- The url of software's in git server,
- Dependence packags that can be installed by
apt-get install
. [optional] - Install command
gitsrc=https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher.git , automake pkg-config libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev , ./build.sh && sudo make install