A filtering implementation for verifying correct data and performing typical modifications to floats
Requires PHP 7.0 or newer and uses composer to install further PHP dependencies. See the composer specification for more details.
filter-floats-php can be installed for use in your project using composer.
The recommended way of using this library in your project is to add a composer.json
file to your project. The following contents would add filter-floats-php as a dependency:
composer require traderinteractive/filter-floats
This filter verifies that the arguments are of the proper numeric type and allow for bounds checking. The second parameter can be set to true to allow null values through without an error (they will stay null and not get converted to false). The next two parameters are the min and max bounds and can be used to limit the domain of allowed numbers.
The final parameter can be set to true to cast integers to floats. Without this, integers will fail validation.
Non-numeric strings will fail validation, and numeric strings will be cast.
The following checks that $value is a float between 1.0 and 100.00 inclusive, and returns the float (after casting it if it was a string or integer).
$value = \TraderInteractive\Filter\Floats::filter($value, false, 1.0, 100.00, true);
With a checkout of the code get Composer in your PATH and run: ``sh composer install ./vendor/bin/phpunit ./vendor/bin/phpcs
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