A package for testing if tensorflow_ros_cpp works on your machine. Report all bugs there.
If you succeed to build it, try running
rosrun tensorflow_ros_test tensorflow_ros_test_node
It tests running models/train.pb
with a pre-built tensorflow graph.
You can create such a graph e.g. by:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
with tf.Session() as sess:
a = tf.Variable(5.0, name='a')
b = tf.Variable(6.0, name='b')
c = tf.multiply(a, b, name="c")
print a.eval() # 5.0
print b.eval() # 6.0
print c.eval() # 30.0
tf.train.write_graph(sess.graph_def, 'models/', 'train.pb', as_text=False)
Thanks to Jim Fleming for the sample code.
If you run into any kind of compilation/linking errors, be sure to read tensorflow_ros_cpp README as there are many information about which combination of Tensorflow installation and system work together.
Specifically, if you get linking errors containing cxx11
it means your system is too new to use the pip-installed Tensorflow
easily. Consult [https://github.com/tradr-project/tensorflow_ros_cpp#c-abi-difference-problems].
One solution is to hide all Tensorflow code
behind a C API as shown here.