A jQuery plugin that provides visual feedback on mouse/touch actions.
Include jQuery and Touch Glow script files in your project.
You can initialize the script in the following ways:
touchBlurRadius: 30,
touchSpread: 20
NOTE: Touch Glow options are set globally. Any subsequent settings will override the previous. To set style, simply call touch glow with options after it's been initialized:
touchBlurRadius: 30,
touchSpread: 20
However, it is recommended that all the options set at the time of initilization.
All parameters are optional. Default values are shown rightmost.
Options | Description |
touchName [string] | ID attribute of the touch div ['jquery-touch-glow'] |
touchBlurRadius [pixels] | The blur distance [60] |
touchSpread [pixels] | Size of the touch glow [30] |
touchOffsetX [pixels] | Horizontal offset from the mouse/touch position [0] |
touchOffsetY [pixels] | Vertical offset from the mouse/touch position [0] |
touchColor [color] | Color of the touch glow ['blueviolet'] |
innerWidth [pixels] | Solid inner width of the touch glow [0] |
fadeInDuration [miliseconds] | Duration of the fade in animation [100] |
fadeOutDuration [miliseconds] | Duration of the fade out animation [300] |
afterFadeOut (element) [function] | Callback function to execute after the glow fades out |