- Using ride-sharing apps can be unpredictably expensive.
- Local environmental factors (Weather | Social & Sporting Events) cause demand for drivers, and fares increase to meet this demand.
- Local events and weather predictions are compared in a logical way, to provide users with the likelyhood (%) of a fare surge for the next three hours.
- Users are able to call a Lyft directly from the site.
- First, data is gathered from the following API
- Weather Underground (Weather info: Percepitation, Incliment weather)
- Google Maps && Places (Traffic Data)
- Ticket Master (Event Start & End Times | Number of Events | 5 Mile Radius)
- Lyft
- Logic for % Chance of Fare Surge:
- Current weather, and current + 2 hours
- Local events beginning and ending within the hour, and the following two hours
- Predicted likelyhood offare surge increases as incliment weather increases, or with presence of events. Both conditions occuring at the same time dramatically increase the likelyhood of a surge in #.
- JavaScript / jQuery
- Firebase (Data Storage)
- Chart.js (Graphical Display of Prediciton)
- Ajax