You will need the following software packages:
- Mysql
- Maven
- Java >= 21
- Nodejs
- Kafka
~/ $ git clone
Afterwards, we need to install a JAR file dependency to where Maven fetches your dependencies from. Running Maven will not be possible without running this script.
Install mysql on your system. For ubuntu:
~/ $ sudo apt install mysql-server
NOTE: On most Linux distributions, the MySQL package is provided by MariaDB. MariaDB is essentially the open-source version of MySQL and fully compatible with the MySQL syntax, however make sure you are using the latest version or you may run into problems.
Most distributions (with the exception of Arch and a few others) will alias MySQL to MariaDB i.e.
~/ $ sudo zypper in mysql mysql-server
or, for Arch:
~/ $ sudo pacman -S mariadb
You will also need to run
~/ $ sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
before starting the systemd service (see below)
~/ $ sudo systemctl enable --now mariadb
~/ $ sudo systemctl enable --now mysql
**the systemd service name may vary depending on your distro.
Next we'll create the database in mysql:
~/ $ sudo mysql
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> CREATE DATABASE ngafid;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> CREATE USER 'ngafid_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ngafid.* TO 'ngafid_user'@'localhost';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> exit
We need to store these credentials in a file called src/main/resources/
, along with some other
You should not modify the first two lines, but lines 3-5 may need to be tweaked depending on your database setup. In particular, if you are using a database other than mysql you will have to tweak the URL.
Once you have done this, you can create the database tables by running the following:
~/ngafid2.0 $ mvn liquibase:update
We need to set up some environmental variables that point to some important data / directories.
, and add the following:
export NGAFID_REPO=<absolute path to ngafid2.0 repo>
export NGAFID_DATA_FOLDER=<create a ngafid data folder and put the absolute path here>
export NGAFID_PORT=8181 # You can use whatever port you need or want to use
# If you don't have the data to add to the terrain directory, ask for it.
# If you don't have the data for the airports directory, ask for it.
export AIRPORTS_FILE=$NGAFID_DATA_FOLDER/airports/airports_parsed.csv
# If you don't have the data for the runways directory, ask for it.
export RUNWAYS_FILE=$NGAFID_DATA_FOLDER/runways/runways_parsed.csv
export MUSTACHE_TEMPLATE_DIR=$NGAFID_REPO/src/main/resources/public/templates/
export WEBSERVER_STATIC_FILES=$NGAFID_REPO/src/main/resources/public/
export NGAFID_EMAIL_INFO=$NGAFID_REPO/email_info.txt
# Set me to true if you dont want backups being made everytime you fire off the NGAFID
# If you do set this to true the following 3 parameters do not need to be set
export NGAFID_BACKUP_DIR=<path to where backups should be stored>
export NGAFID_BACKUP_TABLES="user fleet airframes airframe_types tails user_preferences user_preferences_metrics double_series_names stored_filters string_series_names data_type_names flight_tags sim_aircraft uploads"
# If you don't want the webserver to send emails (exceptions, shutdowns, etc.), set this to false.
# (Optional) To require users to log in again after restart, set this to true
and run
~/ngafid2.0 $ source
every time you want to run the website from a new shell.
If you want these variables to be initialized automatically when you launch a new shell,
add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
source ~/ngafid2.0/
You need to download the data from the following link, and place the files in the following folder structure: NGAFID Setup Data. Request permissions if you do not have them (if you use an RIT google account you should have access by default).
├── airports
│ └── airports_parsed.csv
├── archive
├── runways
│ └── runways_parsed.csv
├── terrain # You will have to decompress the terrain data.
│ ├── H11
│ ├── H12
│ ├── H13
First, we need maven to fetch all of the java dependencies:
~/ngafid2.0 $ mvn install
Next we need to initialize node. You'll need npm installed for this, then run:
~/ngafid2.0 $ npm install
This will download the javascript dependencies.
Then, in order to compile the javascript and automatically recompile whenever you change one of the files:
~/ngafid2.0 $ npm run watch
Before we run the actual webserver, we need to launch Kafka so the webserver can produce messages. Change the properties file path you use here depending on what platform you're on. Note that these will need to be launched in separate terminals and be ran persistently while the data processing daemon or web server is up:
Note that depending on your kafka installation, these programs may actually be shell scripts (e.g.
) -- the following works for kafka installed via Brew on MacOS:
# Launch Zookeeper -- required for Kafka server
~/ngafid2.0 $ zookeeper-server-start src/main/resources/zookeeper-{mac,linux}.properties
# Launch this in a separate terminal
~/ngafid2.0 $ kafka-server-start src/main/resources/server-{mac,linux}.properties
Next, run the following script to create the appropriate kafka topics:
~/ngafid2.0 $ run/
You should then be able to compile and run the webserver by running run/
~/ngafid2.0 $ run/
The data processing pipeline consists of two Kafka consumers and one database observer -- one processes archives uploaded to the website, and the other two handle event processing. They should all run persistently in separate terminals:
The upload consumer simply processes uploaded files from the upload
~/ngafid2.0 $ run/
The event consumer and event observer work in concert: the event observer looks for uncomputed events in fully imported
flights and places them into the event
topic. Then, the event consumer computes those events.
~/ngafid2.0 $ run/
~/ngafid2.0 $ run/
If you modify the upload processing code in some way and want to re-add an upload to the processing queue, you may use
the UploadHelper
utility to add individual uploads, or all uploads from a fleet to the queue:
~/ngafid2.0 $ run/ --help
Similarly, if you modify a custom-event computation you can use the EventHelper
to remove events from the database.
The event observer will pick up on this and enqueue them for re-computation. You may also delete events and opt for them
not to be recomputed.
~/ngafid2.0 $ run/ --help
As demonstrated in
, the NGAFID can be backed up using a configurable set of parameters (i.e. what tables
to backup, etc).
First, change the first line of the file in db/
so that the argument after source
is the path to
the aformentioned
Then, you will need to copy the systemd files to your systemd directory and reload the os daemons.
~/ngafid2.0 # cp services/backup/ngafid-backup* /usr/lib/systemd/system
~/ngafid2.0 # systemctl daemon-reload
To enable the backup service:
# systemctl enable ngafid-backup.service ngafid-backup.timer
If you desire to change the backup interval (default is weekly), you can override the OnCalendar=
parameter with:
# systemctl edit ngafid-backup.service
# systemctl daemon-reload
You may also want to check that everything has been loaded successfully.
# systemctl status *timer
To run the backup at any given time, you can now simply invoke:
# systemctl start ngafid-backup
airport database:
required for jQuery query-builder:
setting up javascript with react/webpack/babel:
For mySQL on SUSE
For Arch:
#not used anymore information on using PM2 to start/restart node servers:
information on setting up apache to use PM2:
if error "service unavailabile":
to fix:
sudo /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1