- Overview
- Usage - Configuration options
- Reference - Parameter and detailed reference to all options
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
Manage SLURM.
This module is designed to work with SLURM 23.11.x and 24.05.x.
SLURM Version | SLURM Puppet module versions |
20.02.x | 0.x |
20.11.x | 1.x |
21.08.x & 22.05.x | 2.x |
23.02.x | 3.x |
23.11.x | 4.x |
23.11.x - 24.05.x | 5.x |
This module is designed so the majority of configuration changes are made through the slurm
class directly.
In most cases all that is needed to begin using this module is to have include slurm
defined. The following usage examples are all assuming that a host has include slurm
performed already and the rest of the configuration is done via Hiera.
It's advisable to put as much of the Hiera data as possible in a location like common.yaml
In order to use SLURM the munge daemon must be configured. This module will include the munge
class from treydock/munge but will not configure munge. The minimial configuration needed is to set the munge key source to the munge key stored in a module somewhere.
munge::munge_key_source: "puppet:///modules/profile/munge.key"
As of version v2.3.0 you can also provide the content of the munge key, for example if your using EYAML in Hiera.
munge::munge_key_content: "supersecret"
The following parameter changes can be made to avoid dependencies on several modules
slurm::manage_firewall: false
- Disable dependency on puppetlabs/firewallslurm::use_nhc: false
ORslurm::include_nhc: false
- Disable dependency on treydock/nhcslurm::manage_rsyslog: false
ORslurm::use_syslog: false
- Disable dependenchy on saz/rsyslogslurm::manage_logrotate: false
- Disable dependency on puppet/logrotateslurm::source_install_manage_alternatives: false
- Wheninstall_method
and installing on a system without a default Python install, this will disable a dependency on puppet/alternativesslurm::tuning_net_core_somaxconn: false
- Disable dependency on herculesteam/augeasproviders_sysctl
NOTE: If use_syslog
is set to true
there is a soft dependency on saz/rsyslog
NOTE: If use_nhc
and include_nhc
are set to true
there is a soft dependency on treydock/nhc
The following could be included in common.yaml
. This assumes your site has access to SLURM RPMs.
slurm::repo_baseurl: "https://repo.hpc.osc.edu/internal/slurm/%{facts.os.release.major}/"
slurm::install_torque_wrapper: true
slurm::install_pam: true
slurm::slurm_group_gid: 93
slurm::slurm_user_uid: 93
slurm::slurm_user_home: /var/lib/slurm
slurm::manage_firewall: false
slurm::use_syslog: true
slurm::cluster_name: example
- slurmctld.example.com
slurm::slurmdbd_host: slurmdbd.example.com
auto_detect: nvml
slurm::slurmd_spool_dir: /var/spool/slurmd
- gres/gpu
- gres/gpu:tesla
- license/ansys
- ansys:2
ReturnToService: 2
SelectType: select/cons_tres
default: 'YES'
def_mem_per_cpu: 1700
max_mem_per_cpu: 1750
nodes: slurmd01
node_hostname: slurmd01.example.com
cpus: 4
threads_per_core: 1
cores_per_socket: 1
sockets: 4
real_memory: 7000
The behavior of this module is determined by 5 booleans that set the role for a host.
- When true will setup a host as SLURM clientslurmctld
- When true will setup a host to run slurmctldslurmdbd
- When true will setup a host to run slurmdbddatabase
- When true will setup a host to manage the slurmdbd MySQL databaseslurmd
- When true will setup a host to run slurmdslurmrestd
- When true will setup a host to run slurmrestd
NOTE: The only role enabled by default is client
The following example will setup an instance of slurmdbd that exports the database resource that can be collected by a database server:
slurm::client: true
slurm::slurmdbd: true
slurm::database: true
slurm::slurmdbd_storage_host: db.example.com
slurm::slurmdbd_storage_loc: slurm_acct_db
slurm::slurmdbd_storage_user: slurmdbd
slurm::slurmdbd_storage_pass: changeme
slurm::export_database: true
slurm::export_database_tag: "%{lookup('slurm::slurmdbd_storage_host')}"
MaxQueryTimeRange: '90-00:00:00'
MessageTimeout: '10'
The database server would have something like the following to collect the db resources
Mysql::Db <<| tag == $facts['fqdn'] |>>
The following example would avoid PuppetDB dependency and require including the slurm
class on the MySQL server
# common.yaml
slurm::slurmdbd_storage_host: db.example.com
slurm::slurmdbd_storage_loc: slurm_acct_db
slurm::slurmdbd_storage_user: slurmdbd
slurm::slurmdbd_storage_pass: changeme
# fqdn/db.example.com.yaml
slurm::client: false
slurm::database: true
# fqdn/slurmdbd.example.com.yaml
slurm::slurmdbd: true
slurm::database: false
The following enables a host to act as the slurmctld daemon with a remote slurmdbd.
slurm::client: true
slurm::slurmdbd: false
slurm::database: false
slurm::slurmctld: true
If you wish to enable configless SLURM:
slurm::enable_configless: true
The following enables a host to act as a slurmd compute node
slurm::client: true
slurm::slurmdbd: false
slurm::database: false
slurm::slurmctld: false
slurm::slurmd: true
To have slurmd pull configs via configless SLURM:
slurm::configless: true
If the majority of your configuration is done in common.yaml
then the default for slurm::client
of true
is sufficient to configure a host to act as a SLURM client.
First the common Hiera such as common.yaml
should have something like the below. Setting auth_alt_types
to include auth/jwt
will activate the Puppet code to manage JWT resources where appropriate.
- auth/jwt
slurm::jwt_key_source: 'puppet:///modules/site_slurm/jwt.key'
For the host to run slurmrestd:
slurm::slurmrestd: true
It's possible to deploy multiple slurm.conf files using this module.
The following example will deploy /etc/slurm/slurm-ascend.conf
with only ClusterName and SlurmctldHost changed.
include slurm
$cluster_conf = {
'ClusterName' => 'ascend',
'SlurmctldHost' => 'ascend-slurm01.example.com',
slurm::conf { 'ascend':
configs => $slurm::slurm_conf + $cluster_conf,
This module has been tested on:
- RedHat/CentOS 7 x86_64
- RedHat/Rocky/AlmaLinux 8 x86_64
- Debian 10 x86_64
- Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64