Releases: tristanbes/MyPoseoBundle
Releases · tristanbes/MyPoseoBundle
v6.0.0: Merge pull request #12 from Kocal/symfony5
Add Symfony 5 support, GitHub Actions, tests with PHPUnit, PHP-CS-Fixer and PHPStan
v5.0.1: Change supported PHP version + update README (#11)
Change supported PHP version + update README
Drop Symfony3
Migration SF4 (#10) Migration SF4
Add Symfony 4 support and drop Symfony 2 support
Merge pull request #7 from MGatou/feature/3916 Adding Symfony4 support
v3.0.3: Merge pull request #6 from tristanbes/feature/fix-undefined-key
Changed variable name
Bug fix
Merge pull request #5 from tristanbes/hotfix/getLocation Check if code key inside array is set before accessing it.
Use PSR6 for cache
Merge pull request #4 from n-sviridenko/symfony-cache My very perfect pull request
Dropped coupling to guzzle, introduce PHPPlug
Merge pull request #3 from tristanbes/upgrade-3.0-refacto Dropped coupling with guzzle, allow Symfony 3+
Adding cache feature and light mocking
v1.2.0 Lazily change copy/paste doc