Solar is an Artificial Intelligence Asistent to answer the common questions for the tutoring department at Universidad de Guadalajara CUTONALÁ answering common questions the students may have had and with intention to create an open source project to help the students who does not have experience and want to start contributing.
- New UI Design
- Working with relational database management systems (RDBMS)
- New Solar Designs
- Solar with Neuronal Network (see on Version_2 Branch)
- Improve UI "Palabras Clave" Design
- Create Documentation with Sphinx
- Master: The Main Branch.
- Bugfix: The Actual issues.
- Version_2: The Next Version Branch with Neural Network.
If you don't know how to contribute, you will do your first contribution here
When you feel more confortable, now you can contribute with us!
If you want to contribute please, check here
The Solar Project actually is not shared for CUTONALÁ for testing reasons, only is sharing for people who's testing our project.
- Tristan -
Project Link:
This project was created by:
Special thanks to Universidad de Guadalajara - CUTONALÁ and the team.