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tritonas00 edited this page Jun 7, 2022 · 16 revisions

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These commands can only be used in RoR.

Commands labeled (Admin only) requires you to be a server admin or moderator to use them.

Command Description Example
-help Displays command list. -help
-countdown Counts down starting from 3 seconds. Useful for races. -countdown
-countdown2 Same as -countdown, but starts from 5 seconds. -countdown2
-brb Tells others you will be right back. -brb
-afk Tells others you are away from keyboard. -afk
-back Tells others you are back. -back
-gtg Tells others you have to leave. -gtg
-version Displays bot version info. -version
-kickme Bot kicks you. You asked for it! -kickme
-police Request other players to send law enforcement to a specified location. -police main bridge
-ems Request other players to send emergency medical services to a specified location. -ems main bridge
-fire Request other players to send a fire truck to a specified location. -fire main bridge
-rip Rest in peace. -rip Player
-vehiclelimit Displays server's vehicle limit. -vehiclelimit
-record start filename (Admin only) Starts recording current vehicle with the filename specified. -record start drift
-record pause (Admin only) Pauses recording. -record pause
-record continue (Admin only) Resume recording. -record continue
-record stop (Admin only) Stops recording and saves to file. -record stop
-playback start filename (Admin only) Starts playback of a recording. -playback start drift
-playback pause (Admin only) Pauses playback. -playback pause
-playback continue (Admin only) Resumes playback. NOTE: When resuming, the recording will play faster than normal. It will return to normal after a few seconds. -playback continue
-playback stop (Admin only) Stops playback. -playback stop
-getpos Returns your current character or vehicle position. -getpos
-fps Returns current bot FPS. -fps


These commands can only be used in Discord.

UID is the player ID, it is shown using !playerlist or !list.

Command Description Example
!help Displays command list. !help
!connect Connects to a RoR server. Useful in the event of a server crash. !connect
!disconnect Disconnects from a RoR server. !disconnect
!shutdown Disconnects from all servers and closes the bot. !shutdown
!msg Sends a message to the server. Includes your Discord username. !msg Hello world!
!rawmsg Sends a message to the server as the bot. Can also be used for some in-game commands. !rawmsg Hello world! or !rawmsg !motd or !rawmsg !unban UID
!say Sends a message as the host. Can be used to privately message players. !say message or !say UID private message
!playerlist Displays player list with current vehicles !playerlist
!list Displays a simplified player list (useful if you just need the UID) !list
!warn Sends a private warning message to a player. If no message is specified, (This is an official warning. Please read our rules using the !rules command.) will be sent instead. !warn UID or !warn UID reason
!kick Kicks a user. !kick UID reason
!ban Bans a user. !ban UID reason
!bans Displays current banned users. !bans
!unban Unbans a user. !unban UID
!banvehicle Bans a vehicle. !banvehicle foo.truck
!unbanvehicle Unbans a vehicle. !unbanvehicle foo.truck
!vehiclebans Sends vehicle blacklist file. !vehiclebans
!info Returns server info. !info
!stats Returns various server stats. May not be accurate. !stats
!serverlist Returns a list of servers the bot is connected to. !serverlist
!fps Returns current bot FPS. !fps
!api Query the multiplayer API. !api
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