Basic Framework Module Template guides
Purpose is to maintain consistent coding, directory structures and implementations. Contains Standardised "Starters" for Module Development.
- Use WP coding standards where possible
- Use PHP documentation standards
- Consistent Directory Structures
- Consistent registration and loading of scripts and assets
- Optimal use of built in wordpress core actions, filters and hooks
- Where possible maintain consistent html and css for all "VIEWS"
- Make sure each Module properly cleans up after itself!!
- If it can be written as a CLASS do so. Functions should only exist for "VIEWS" or when a CLASS is overkill
- Standardised Plugin Directory Structure
- Standardised readme.txt
- Standardised Plugin Header
- Standardised CONSTANTS "Path" and "URI" definitions
- Directories: Settings | Implementation of the Settings API ZCAPI_SETTINGS for the Plugin
- Directories: Views | Template Tags, Template Files and implementation of ZCAPI_TEMPLATE_LOADER
- Directories: Lib |
- Directories: Assets |
- Directories: Vendors |
- Files: plugin.php | loader.php | uninstall.php | index.php