Uses speedtest-cli to get connection speed data and logger to output it in a Splunk-friendly format.
Depends on having speedtest-cli installed here:
as well as having logger available here:
works with the Ubuntu 20.04 speedtest-cli package.
Produces output to syslog similar to what appears below when functional:
Feb 22 09:30:36 myhostname SPEEDTEST: ping="32.036" ping_units="ms" download="18.75" download_units="Mbit/s" upload="3.51" upload_units="Mbit/s" version="0.3.4"
and something similar to this when an error occurs:
Feb 19 20:30:04 myhostname SPEEDTEST: error="true" notdefined="st_ping,st_p_units,st_download,st_dl_units,st_upload,st_ul_units"
There are a few searches that can easily pull this data together in Splunk:
"SPEEDTEST:" | stats avg(download)
"SPEEDTEST:" | stats avg(upload)
"SPEEDTEST:" | stats avg(ping)
"SPEEDTEST:" | timechart span=6h avg(ping) AS AveragePing avg(download) AS AverageDownload avg(upload) AS AverageUpload