QC-tree(short for quotient cube tree) is a compact data structure for representing and implementing quotient cube.
- retain all the essential information in a quotient lattice, yet be concise
- enable efficient answering of various kinds of queries including point, range,and iceberg queries
- afford efficient maintenance against updates
hadoop-qctree provides QC-tree construction using Hadoop.
To build the binary of the hadoop-qctree, run the following command
mvn clean packageThe above command produces a tar ball in the target directory.
Untar the tar ball and move to hadoop-qctree-* directory. Need to update the table.json in the conf directory as per input structure
To build a qc-tree for the given input, execute the following command
bin/qctree.sh input-file output-dirOnce QC-tree construction is over, to run any query execute the following command
bin/query.sh output-of-previous-job output-dir query-tobe-runAs of now, query should be given as a single string, dimensions separated by comma(,)
Example query: "S2,*,s"