This script will generate payloads for basic intrusion detection avoidance. It utilizes publicly demonstrated techniques from several different sources.
Credits: @Ben0xA
Bypassing Application Whitelisting using MSBuild.exe - Device Guard Example and Mitigations @subTee
Bypassing Virtualization and Sandbox Technologies @HackingDave
Sleeping Your Way out of the Sandbox
v1.03 Cleaned up the output of the payload creation to make it easier to read and copy & paste.
v1.02 Fixed logic in creation of a new msbuild.rc resource script
v1.01 Added "Custom PS1 Payload" option.
v1.0 Initial Release
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setting up samba shares:
apt-get install samba
vi/nano/whatever /etc/samba/smb.conf
- add the following to the bottom of the file (change as appropriate)
comment = Dirty Payloads
path = /opt/shares/payloads
browsable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = yes
service smbd restart