Topic | Summary |
Real Estate Price Prediction AI app using FLASK Project | AI-Driven Predictions: ML algorithms process input data, utilizing intricate patterns to predict real estate prices. Followed by the FLASK app. |
TX Weather-Crime relationship using Machine Learning (Time Series Analysis)- Omdena | End-to-end Univariate Multimodel Time Series Analysis machine learning project by building a model to evaluate and understanding the relationship between crime and weather in Houston, TX, achieved 89% accuracy, RMSE = 21.3974, R2 = 0.0836412, MSE = 457.849, and MAE = 18.5733. |
Twitter Text and Sentiment Analysis on COVID-19 data using NLP Project | Complete data science project focusing on Unstructured COVID-19 Twitter data to analyze sentiments and text, including data cleaning and formatting, data wrangling, Tokenization, Lemmatization, and EDA. TD-IDF, feature selection to Machine Learning models using Natural Language Processing followed by hyperparameter tuning and feature importance, achieved 64% training and 63% testing accuracy. |
New York Airbnb Price Prediction using Machine Learning Project | This is an end-to-end data science pipeline project that involves predicting the price of Airbnb listings across the five boroughs of New York, achieved R-squared = 57%, MSE = 0.19, MAE = 0.14. |
H&M Fashion Recommendation System using Machine Learning project | I developed and implemented an exploratory data analysis system for H&M products, utilizing a large 32GB dataset that includes images. The system aims to offer customers enhanced personalized product insights, scraped images from the website. |
Montana's Big Mountain Ski Resort # Model Project | This is a complete data science pipeline project helps in building a # model for Montana ski resort tickets. |
SQL Data Modeling using MySQL project | SQL project shows data modeling, implemented using MySQL, including the schema design, Entity Relationship Diagram, data dictionary, data insertion, and querying for an HR management system. |
Statistical Modeling in MATLAB - Research Publication | Highlights of my research work at Onsala Space Observatory, I used MATLAB to statistically model GPS satellite data spanning multiple years. I processed and modeled the raw data, created residual plots to identify trends, and validated my results by comparing them with independent models. Also, presented my findings at a European geodetic conference. |
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- ⚡ Fun fact: I love coffee ☕ and Learning fulfills my thirst for knowledge 📖💡
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