NanoVNA is very tiny handheld Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). It is standalone with lcd display, portable device with battery. This project aim to provide an RF gadget but useful instrument for enthusiast.
This repository contains source of NanoVNA firmware.
UPDATE: Recent gcc version works to build NanoVNA, no need old version.
Install cross tools and firmware updating tool.
$ brew tap px4/px4
$ brew install gcc-arm-none-eabi-80
$ brew install dfu-util
Download arm cross tools from here.
$ wget
$ sudo tar xfj gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major-linux.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local
$ PATH=/usr/local/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major/bin:$PATH
$ sudo apt install -y dfu-util
Fetch source and submodule.
$ git clone
$ cd NanoVNA
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Just make in the directory.
$ make
Using this docker image and without installing arm toolchain, you can build the firmware.
$ cd NanoVNA
$ docker run -it --rm -v $(PWD):/work edy555/arm-embedded:8.2 make
First, make device enter DFU mode by one of following methods.
- Jumper BOOT0 pin at powering device
- Select menu Config->DFU (needs recent firmware)
Then, flash firmware using dfu-util via USB.
$ dfu-util -d 0483:df11 -a 0 -s 0x08000000:leave -D build/ch.bin
Or simply use make.
$ make flash
There are seveal numbers of great companion PC tools from third-party.
- NanoVNASharp Windows software by hugen79
- NanoVNA WebSerial/WebUSB by cho45
- Android NanoVNA app by cho45
- NanoVNASaver by mihtjel
- TAPR VNAR4 supports NanoVNA by erikkaashoek
- see python directory to use NanoVNA with Python and Jupyter Notebook.
- NanoVNA User Guide(ja) by cho45. (en:google translate)
- Schematics
- PCB Photo
- Block Diagram
- Kit available from
Hardware design material is disclosed to prevent bad quality clone. Please let me know if you would have your own unit.
- Nooelec
- Switch Science(ja) NanoVNA-H NanoVNA-H4