Java client for communicating with a Harmony Hub
Based on the work done to reverse engineer and implement the Harmony Hub protocol in the following projects:
The basics of the API are in place, and there's also a simple shell available through the Main class that demonstrates the API features. The available shell commands are:
- list devices - lists the configured devices and their id's
- list activities - lists the configured activities and their id's
- show activity - shows the current activity
- start <activity> - starts an activity (takes a string or id)
- press <device> <button> - perform a single button press
- get_config - Dumps the full config json, unformatted
To build a jar with dependent libraries, run:
$ gradle assemble
$ gradle allJar
Execute the jar:
$ java -jar build/libs/harmony-java-client-*-all.jar HARMONY_HOST