Have you ever tried to explain the Windows Autopilot device import process to any customer?
With this application, you can provide your customers with an simple GUI to import their devices into Microsoft Intune to register them with Windows Autopilot.
All dependencies/requirements are automatically installed by the PowerShell scripts.
The scripts are based on the official Microsoft article with some modifications to force any module installation with the -Force parameter. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/autopilot/add-devices
It will automatically install the following components
- PowerShell: NuGet (Package Manager)
- PowerShell: Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo (Module)
You can download the latest release via GitHub - No installation is required to use this application.
All you need to do is run WinAutopilotImport executable.
Please # as an Intune administrator to import the device directly (online).
You can find all the commands in the .\Scripts folder that will be executed and report the exit code back to the GUI. If PowerShell scripts returns an exit code other than 0, the application automatically displays the PowerShell error message.
The project is based on the PureBasic language, available at: https://www.purebasic.com. The project file is included for the PureBasic IDE.
Distributed under the GNU License. See LICENSE
for more information.
This tool is provided "as is" with no warranties. Always test scripts and tools in a safe and recoverable environment before using them on a production environment/device.
Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo (by Microsoft) - Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo
TUGI - contact@tugi.ch
Project Link: https://blog.tugi.ch/scripts-and-tools/winautopilotimport