Pinecone.jl is a Julia API for the Pinecone vector database.
The package can be installed with Julia's package manager,
either by using the Pkg REPL mode (press ]
to enter):
pkg> add Pinecone
or by using Pkg functions
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("Pinecone")
The package is tested against Julia 1.6 on Linux, macOS and Windows.
Contributions are very welcome, as are feature requests and suggestions.
The package is a nearly faithful implementation of the native Pinecone Python lib
. To get started
simply call
using Pinecone
pinecone_context = Pinecone.init(apikey, environment)
which returns a PineconeContext that you'll use for subsequent calls. apikey is clearly the Pinecone api key you get when you #, environmens is the cloud environment for Pinecone that is likely something like "us-west1-gcp". The list of supported environments (and growing):
- us-west1-gcp
- eu-west1-gcp
- us-east-1-aws
From there, you can make function calls similar to what you do in the Python lib. If you're going to make a call to do something with a specific index, you'll want to get a pointer to that index using the following:
julia> pinecone_index = Pinecone.Index("my-index-name");
PineconeIndex connected to my-index-name
You can then use the context and index "pointers" to make all the necessary API calls, such as:
#List all indexes for a specific api key (derived from the pinecone_context) object
julia> Pinecone.list_indexes(pinecone_context)
PineconeIndex connected to my-index-name
#Describe Index using the given context and index pointers
julia> Pinecone.describe_index_stats(pinecone_context, pinecone_index)
A Pinecone vector is abstracted away with a very simple PineconeVector type. This type takes 3 parameters:
- Vector id (String)
- An Array Array{Float64} representing your dimensions
- Metadata which is a Julia Dict{String, Any} associated with the dimension data
Here's a very simple example used to create a PineconeVector that will be used with querying data (coming next)
julia> testdict = Dict{String, Any}("genre"=>"documentary", "year"=>2019);
julia> testvector = Pinecone.PineconeVector("testid", [0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3,0.4,0.3], testdict)
PineconeVector is id: testid values: [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3]meta: Dict{String, Any}("genre" => "documentary", "year" => 2019)
PineconeVector is used both querying and upserting data. In the upsert example, the 3rd param is an Vector{PineconeVector} that is the data to be upserted.
#upsert data using Vector{PineconeVector}
Pinecone.upsert(pinecone_context, pinecone_index, [testvector], "testnamespace")
#query data using Vector{Vector{Float64}} as the third argument
json = Pinecone.query(pinecone_context, pinecone_index,
[[0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], [0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3]], 4)
#query data using Vector{PineconeVector} as the third argument
julia> Pinecone.query(pinecone_context, pinecone_index, [testvector, testvector2], 4)
The format for the query result is a JSON string:
You can also ask for specific vectors by their id (as specified in the PineconeVector) using the fetch()
In the example below, we will ask for two specific vectors: "testid" and "testid2", which are passed in as an array of strings.
Note that namespace is required.
Pinecone.fetch(pinecone_context, pinecone_index, ["testid", "testid2"], "testnamespace")
PineconeIndex connected to my-index-name
This will return a JSON string:
Applying filters to the metadata in the rows is fairly straightforward. There is an optional argument "filter" in the query() function that takes in a Dict{String, Any} that represents a mapping of the filter. For more on filter logic, see
Suppose for example we have inserted data in the following way with metadata:
moviemeta = [Dict{String, Any}("genre"=>["comedy","documentary"]), Dict{String, Any}("genre"=>["comedy","documentary"])]
result = Pinecone.upsert(context, index, ["zipA", "zipB"], [[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], [0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3]], moviemeta, "mynamespace")
We can write a query to grab these rows (supposing there was other nonmatching rows around it with:)
filter = """{
"genre": {
"\$in": [
"year": {
"\$eq": 2019
result = Pinecone.query(context, index, [v1], 4, "mynamespace", true, true,, Dict{String, Any}))
In the above we specified a JSON blob to provide the filter and passed into the last arg of query() which takes a Dict{String,Any} where we used the Julia JSON3 package to do the very clean and quick conversion.
Although you can easily create/delete indexes in the Pinecone console, there may be many times where you need to do this programatically. Here's a very simple example of how to create an index named "testindex5" with 10 dimensions. This gives you an index with a single shard and no additional replicas that will perform approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search using cosine similarity by default.
Pinecone.create_index(pinecone_context, "testindex5", 10)
There are many optional parameters for create_index(). In the example below, we will create a hybrid index with more replicas. The ybrid index is created by passing in the indexconfig. This is discussed at length in the actual Pinecone API docs.
Pinecone.create_index(pinecone_context, "testindex5", 10, metric="euclidean", indextype="approximated",replicas=2, shards=1, indexconfig=Dict{String,Any}("k_bits"=>512, "hybrid"=>true))
Deleting an index is fairly straightforward. In this example, we will delete the index we created above, named "testindex5"
Pinecone.delete_index(pinecone_context, Pinecone.Index("testindex5"))